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Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
#16 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
Vielen Dank Ahlborn und Untersatz. Ich werde diese einfache Lösung nach den Feiertagen ebenfalls in meine Concerto 350 einbauen.
- Frage: spielt die Dicke des Schaumstoffs eine Rolle, bzw.
- Welche Dicke habt ihr verwendet?
#17 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
Hi Martin,
ich habe diesen hier:
Hi Ahlborn:
I was not quite sure how much absorber to use and how exactly to place it, as your photos were a little unfocused. Maybe the next time I open the back of my organ I will try to again remove some layers and make a direct comparison.
However, this might be hard, as for a true comparison I would have to close the organ again completely, tighten the screws and so on....and then maybe re-open it to make additional adjustments.
Maybe I'll give it a try over Christmas, maybe I'll leave it "as-is".
#18 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
Let's say that companies (all) take into consideration not the best components of all, but the best components for quality/price.
However, all those procedures that take time and that can aggravate production costs are excluded.
For example, large capacitors are partly already damped by applying (automatically) a layer of silicone (actually a similar material) between the board and the capacitor (and you can see this white material right under the capacitors).
The problem is that large electrolytic capacitors are sensitive to vibrations (suffer from microphonicity), and produce self-induced vibrations themselves. These vibrations (external or self-induced) produce distortion.
The layer of material interposed between the capacitor and the board partially dampens the vibrations, but it does not mean that you cannot do better.
This is where the art of tweking comes in :-)
with little expense (a few euros) you can further dampen these large capacitors, by applying strips of bluetak.
The same goes for twisting the cables coming out of the transformers. Just mark the fastons that are connected to the amplifiers (there are three wires that come out of each transformer) to avoid doing damage when they are reconnected, and twist them. It may seem like a small thing, but even this guarantees a certain immunity to disturbances.
For the sound-absorbing material the situation is different.
Each organ model has a presumed intended use, and the sound-absorbing material is inserted in a certain quantity providing for a given use.
The Sonus 60, for example, is considered an organ for medium / large rooms and consequently it was not considered appropriate to insert sound-absorbing material to dampen the standing waves of the cabinet.
This however means that in a medium or small home environment, a certain correction of the internal standing waves produces immediately audible benefits: greater clarity, airiness, precision.
#19 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
#20 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
This is the bluetac that I inserted in the Sonus 40 capacitors (it is a photo taken before replacing the tweeter capacitors with polypropylene ones; after which I also dampened the large capacitors with foam and clamps just to have a more "elegant" job . But the bluetac works great, it's sticky and stays well in place).
I recommend putting the bluetac only around the capacitors and not on top, to ensure thermal dissipation (in the Sonus 60 there is also a separate additional amplifier).
#21 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #8
Well, buy a 50x50x3cm ashlar sound-absorbing panel. (It is important that it is exactly this thickness)
Mal eine blöde Frage: Würden solche Dämmungen auch helfen, ein "rumpeliges" Pedal zu zähmen? Mein Hauptwerkspieltisch ist bis auf ein paar Platinen leer und nach hinten offen und bietet im Zusammenspiel mit dem Aufstellungsort einen perfekten Resonanzkörper für Pedal- und Manualgeräusche.
Viele Grüße
#22 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
#23 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
#24 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
Da ich ja ein Fan deutsch-romantischer Orgelklänge bin, suche ich auch einen ganz bestimmten.
War es Prinzipal 8 + Gambe 8? Oder Eine Mischung mit Viola d amour 8? Leider habe ich den gesuchten Klang
noch nicht oft gefunden. Wer mal die Rühlmann-Orgel in Alsfeld spielen kann, wird mit der Viola d amour den Klang finden, den ich suche. Welche Orgel kann einen solch butterweichen romantischen streichenden Klang eigentlich nachahmen?
Viele Grüße
#25 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
#26 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
#27 RE: Physis - Hauptwerk - Live und Nobilis - Klangqualität - Unterschiede
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