Restored Hazel Wright Organ Christ Cathedral

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08.07.2022 14:36 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.07.2022 14:37)
#16 RE: Restored Hazel Wright Organ Christ Cathedra

Das kann ich nur bestätigen-

Fred Swann als Organisten und Chorleiter nicht zu vergessen.

Mit musikalischen Grüßen


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07.05.2023 18:30
#17 RE: Restored Hazel Wright Organ Christ Cathedra

Nun gibt es eine Doku über die Restaurierung:


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07.05.2023 19:22
#18 RE: Restored Hazel Wright Organ Christ Cathedral

Danke für den Link, ich habe die Dokumentation mit viel Interesse angesehen.
Wunderbar, was für diese Orgel getan wurde und dass sie weiter Bestand haben kann.

Auf Orgelsuche.


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09.05.2023 08:00
avatar  live3TA
#19 RE: Restored Hazel Wright Organ Christ Cathedral

While the previous and current versions of the organ are impressive in size, there are numerous acoustic challenges with the design of the space and the disposition of organ divisions into the various tight or wide corners of the space. The recording set-ups make the space sound much more coherent and focused than it is in person. If you aren't closed to dead center, some division of the organ is going to be what you hear the most of. For regular presentations the sound systems has speakers everywhere so you can hear mic'd speakers well.

I live in Southern California and have been to a some performances there...

Beverly Sills gave a benefit concert just before the building was completed.

At another concert, Maire Clare Alain stopped performing and asked that the lighting people to stop fading in and out various color lights that were, I assume, to "work" with the music. She continued without any further "light show."

And I accidentally attended a July 4th service held in late June (filmed early to edit before the actual July 4 date). Many, many performers including full orchestra, 100+ voice choir, 100+ piece marching band, a Broadway actress sang a song, a TV actor gave one of the readings, etc. It all ended with Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever. Because I was in a corner close to one of the fanfare divisions, that's all I heard during the final 32 bars with distant sounding of the marching band and faint orchestra/choir.

Nevertheless, I need to go and here the restored organ.


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