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Info for a particular organ...
#1 Info for a particular organ...
Good morning,
I am looking for information and I hope you can help me.
A few years ago, (over a period of time ranging from the 90s to the 2000s), I had read somewhere about the construction of a large organ in Germany, with the particularity that to get on the mechanical console, it was exclusively prepared an electric lift; there were no stairs.
Unfortunately, however, I do not remember exactly which organ it is.
I only vaguely remember from a photo that it was an organ "hanging" on the wall, conceptually similar to the swallow's nest, and the elevator was a full-view glass cabin inside church.
It is certainly a very large organ and I assume it is in some important church...
Can you tell me where it is?
#2 RE: Info for a particular organ...
#3 RE: Info for a particular organ...
do you mean the Cathedral of Regensburg?
See especially here:
or here:
Greetings from the Coast of the Baltic Sea
Christoph P.
Domorgel Regensburg
at 2:20 you can see the lift - but it is not full glas - that you can only discover in the SPD Partei Zentrale in Berlin
where you can lift up in the sky (with the lift ;-)
#6 RE: Info for a particular organ...
#7 RE: Info for a particular organ...
Es gibt zum Aufzug einen technischen Artikel in Seilbahnen International, außerdem eine Referenzseite beim Hersteller.
Viele Grüße
#9 RE: Info for a particular organ...
#10 RE: Info for a particular organ...
Ich stelle mir vor, es käme zu einem Notfall, und man müsste erstmal mit dem gakeligen Gefährt da runterfahren. Zum Springen ist es ja ein bisschen hoch...
Und was ist, wenn jemand zum Blättern und ein Solist mitkommen soll, fährt das Wägelchen dann 3x gemütlich hin und her? Da ist ja nix mit mal spontan zwischen Orgel und Altarraum wechseln.
#11 RE: Info for a particular organ...
Der Notfall tritt ja schon ein, wenn man mal austreten muss ;)
Und wenn man einen Walzer mit genügend Lautstärke spielt, fängt die Orgel an mitzuschunkeln (=
"Die Rettungsfallschirme und Sicherheitswesten befinden sich unter Ihrem Sitz; die Notausgänge befinden sich ... nirgendwo.."
Ob man eine besonders stabile Prospektpfeife als Rutschstange runter lassen kann?
Okay, genug Quatsch -- ich hätte da auch weiche Knie!
Out of curiosity, do you know how much this organ cost?
And yes, even for me it would be unpleasant to know that it is the only way to get down to the floor.
Even if it has been designed with all the most advanced safety systems (and presumably with emergency batteries in case there is a black out), I would not be happy to stay up there...
I don't dare to think of a situation where there is a start of fire and the elevator safety system fails..
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