Sample Set Ruffati Orgel Epiphany in Miami

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31.12.2023 10:07 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 31.12.2023 10:12)
avatar  SJL
#16 RE: Sample Set Ruffati Orgel Epiphany in Miami

Zitat von live3TA im Beitrag #15
I think that the Miami sample set is pretty wonderful without the fanfare trumpet.

Das ist zweifellos richtig!

Zitat von live3TA im Beitrag #15
Also, I will say that the Tromba del Giubileo 2000 8\' is so loud, I am unable to think of how I might use it

Genau deshalb glaube ich auch nicht, dass ich die Tromba vermissen würde, hätte keinen relevanten Bedarf für ein so super-lautes Register.



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15.01.2024 13:56 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.01.2024 13:56)
avatar  SJL
#17 RE: Sample Set Ruffati Orgel Epiphany in Miami

Hallo zusammen,

das o.g. Miami Sample-Set bekam ich als quasi-kostenfreie Zugabe (und "Katze im Sack", da nicht probegespielt) zu einem anderen von mir bestellten Set, und dazu sagte ich nicht Nein

Nach gut 2 Wochen Nutzung kann ich feststellen, dass das Set in Summe klanglich überaus brauchbar ist. Im Gegensatz zu meinen bisherigen Live-Sets ist es relativ clean, also nicht so hallgeschwängert und stilistisch halbwegs neutral. Dass ein paar Features der Originaldisposition auf der Strecke geblieben sind und nicht jedes Detail optimal ist - nicht schlimm! Einen kleinen Eingriff habe ich (übers Bordmenü) allerdings vorgenommen: die Zungen waren mir etwas zu grell/dominant, so habe ich sie von der Lautstärke einen Ticken zurückgenommen, aber das kann auch meiner individuellen Audio-Situation bzw. dem persönlichen Geschmack geschuldet gewesen sein.

In Summe für Neukäufer m.E. durchaus eine Überlegung wert, als Ergänzung zu den vielen "historischen" Live-Sets.

Beste Grüße


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15.01.2024 21:15
avatar  live3TA
#18 RE: Sample Set Ruffati Orgel Epiphany in Miami

Zitat von SJL im Beitrag #17
Einen kleinen Eingriff habe ich (übers Bordmenü) allerdings vorgenommen: die Zungen waren mir etwas zu grell/dominant, so habe ich sie von der Lautstärke einen Ticken zurückgenommen, aber das kann auch meiner individuellen Audio-Situation bzw. dem persönlichen Geschmack geschuldet gewesen sein.

In one of the earliest YouTube videos demonstrating the actual Miami Ruffatti in the church, the organist notes something like, "and, of course, the boldness of the Ruffatti reeds is world renowned..." and then demonstrates short segments of loud to blaring sound of the instrument's reeds. So, it's not surprising that you tempered the sound a bit!!



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26.02.2024 20:15 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.02.2024 20:16)
#19 RE: Sample Set Ruffati Orgel Epiphany in Miami

Tromba Giubelio is fantastic for a solo chorus reed as in Gigout Grande Choir Dialogue. What would be really useful is to see Johannus apply this logical approach to the tuba's on the English samples where they are an integral part of the specification unlike a 1' flute. I wonder if they would have the humilty to rethink this and offer this as a retro download and if so at what cost?


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27.02.2024 21:19
avatar  live3TA
#20 RE: Sample Set Ruffati Orgel Epiphany in Miami

Zitat von ExOrganistra im Beitrag #19
Tromba Giubelio is fantastic for a solo chorus reed as in Gigout Grande Choir Dialogue. What would be really useful is to see Johannus apply this logical approach to the tuba's on the English samples where they are an integral part of the specification unlike a 1' flute. I wonder if they would have the humilty to rethink this and offer this as a retro download and if so at what cost?

Given that each sample set can be updated and re-distributed, it would seem odd if we LiVE owners are charged additional for the updates given we've already purchased the sample set.

In addition to relaxing the Johannus "stop label must be obeyed" as they have with the Miami Ruffatti sample set and the new Studio line, I think LiVE owners should ask Johannus to make those small adjustments such as the tuba's in the English sample sets and the Regal's in the Schnitger ones.

Another item I'd like to request is for the Swell to modulate the frequencies/harmonics of the selected stops as it closes and opens. Right now, it is just reduces the amplitude/volume of the selected stops.

I wonder if they'll block my email address?


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02.03.2024 00:29
#21 RE: Sample Set Ruffati Orgel Epiphany in Miami

I think that to offer the Tubas/Regals at no charge albeit it would be nice, and perhaps an acknowledgement that the original concept was flawed in its inception, would not make good business sense for Johannus and as such would be low down their priority list if it would even register.
That said it must make good sense for future sales and as such perhaps a modest charge (25 Euro perhaps) for existing owners would not be unthinka ble to cover their costs re time etc especially as this could be offeredt o registered users by request and then sent as a download. Just a thought, hopefuly someone in Ede will read this and put it forward?


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20.06.2024 04:05
avatar  live3TA
#22 RE: Sample Set Ruffati Orgel Epiphany in Miami

For those with the Miami Ruffati sample set, update your LiVE with the latest update:

@SJL got Johannus to look into and fix the weak tremulants and I just noticed the somewhat feeble pedal 16' flue stops are now at normal/expected strength.

There may be more you discover has changed with the update--please post here!


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