Physis Plus Upgrade 1.3.0

12.02.2024 20:22 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 12.02.2024 20:25)
#1 Physis Plus Upgrade 1.3.0


The main news of this upgrade is an implementation nicknamed "re-noteon" to indicate that phenomenon whereby if the note is quickly struck in such a way that the time between off and on is less than the time it takes for the bore to exhaust the accumulated air, or rather to stabilise the air column in still conditions, the new note does not sound in identical and stable conditions at all times but the start of the sound is a function of the state of the air column inside the bore. This behaviour is difficult to simulate with sampling because it (sampling) 'photographs' the evolution of the attack from static conditions. With the physical model, it is the same model that remembers the state of the barrel and when stimulated the behaviour, if the model is well done, also reproduces this particular phenomenon. Beware, this phenomenon is not to be confused with the one already implemented that makes the attack sound differently depending on the speed of the note, as this is the simulation of another effect that in mechanical organs occurs due to the more or less sudden opening of the valve depending on how the key is pressed.

The second new feature, is an implementation of a Wizard to set up external outputs in a 'basic' way without having to resort to the Editor.

Thirdly, improved wavering behaviour, an editing parameter whose detail concerns the random variation over time.

Finally, some refinements were made and a bug was fixed at the start of the Cantorum Duo Plus.

➡️The update can be downloaded from our website under the SUPPORT section of any instrument with Physis Plus technology.

(Quelle: Facebook)

Auf Orgelsuche.


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13.02.2024 19:00 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 13.02.2024 19:03)
#2 RE: Physis Plus Upgrade 1.3.0

Klingt sehr interessant. Und da wird vermutlich in den nächsten Jahren noch das eine oder andere kommen...
Schön wäre es, wenn es bei Physis 1 noch ein paar VCE mehr geben würde. Den VCE-Ersteller werden sie ja vermutlich nie rausrücken...


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