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Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
#31 RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #32
Regarding the sending of the SysEx midi codes to activate the sub/super coupler, have you verified that the filters in the reception are deactivated in the organ Midi menu?
Only "REAL TIME" filter should be activated.
If SysEx filters are also activated, the organ will not receive these data.
(However if you use Hauptwerk I think this filter is already deactivated, to make it work correctly)..
Yes, this is how the MIDI filters are set in the organ menu. I am able to enable and disable stops, couplers etc. which are present in my organ via SysEx messages, so the communication is working in general.
#32 RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
#33 RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
#34 RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
Hello Dominik.
No, there are two different woofers types in physis (and in general in Viscount organs).
For example, in the Sonus 60 there is a 10" woofer mounted on a 46 liter reflex cabinet tuned to 34.4 Hz. In the Sonus 70, the woofer is larger (if I remember right it is a 12"), mounted in different volume. But a clarification should be made.
Having a bigger woofer doesn't mean it's better. The choice of the woofer (and in general of the audio channels) is made based on the acoustic characteristics of the place where the organ will be installed. This means that a Sonus 60 is designed to be installed mainly at home, where it will perfectly guarantee the reproduction of low frequencies (I currently have two organs installed in different rooms, a Sonus 40 for the baroque repertoire, and a Sonus 60 for the romantic one, and I can say that they reproduce the 32' stops exceptionally very well, in which the first note is 16 hz).
While, a Sonus 70 can also be installed in small chapels because its design at low frequencies guarantees an optimal result even in environments slightly larger than a living room. Clearly, in a church of medium or large dimensions, only internal amplification is insufficient and it is desirable to install external speakers and subwoofers to ensure an optimal result.
It would however be a mistake to evaluate the acoustic performance of the woofer by its dimensions. Many people think that a larger woofer emits more low frequencies, but this is not the case.There are so many other elements to consider. The elements that define the behavior of a loudspeaker are the Thiele/Small parameters, and the size of the woofer is only one element among many others. The choice of the woofer is made on the basis of the loading, the frequency of reflex tuning requirement, and based on the simulations of the behavior in the environment. A 12" woofer could be the right choice in a given situation and wrong in another situation, and you could say the same of the 10" woofer.
#35 RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
Guten Morgen Alborn und alle, die nicht schlafen))) Danke für diese Details dieser wertvollen Information, in meiner Situation ist es wie Luft für einen Ertrinkenden. Ich muss dich fragen, ich war in einem Werk in Ermelo und habe die Orgel des Konzerts getestet, wie sie beworben wird, großartig usw. Nachdem ich es getestet hatte, war ich verzweifelt nach dem schlechten Bass, aber es gibt 12 Kanäle und jeden !!!!! Jeweils 180 Watt. Ich verstehe nicht, wie das sein kann. Der Sonus 60 klingt einfach großartig, wie die Stimme Gottes in der Wüste. Nach der Orgel in Ermelo, als ich anfing, den 639-Choral zu spielen, wollte ich mich gerade vor diesen Leuten von Viscount für einen so lebendigen Klang verneigen, dass selbst das Hauptwerk nicht so lebendig und gut klingt. Es scheint mir, dass nur Italien in der Lage ist, so schöne tiefe Register und so produktive Bässe zu erzeugen. Welches Tool empfehlen Sie in Bezug auf den Sound? Ich entschied, dass die Konsole für mich jetzt nicht so wichtig ist. Was nützt diese Konsole, wenn es keinen Ton gibt, wie von einem schönen Sarg draußen und Abwasser drinnen. Ich warte auf Ihren Rat, über eine Orgel mit einem starken Subwoofer))) Vielen Dank, Majestät für Ihre Musik)))
#36 RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
Good morning.
You are very kind, but (If the google translator worked well), I think I don't deserve all these compliments.
Unfortunately I don't know the Content personally (assuming there is only this factory in Ermelo), I listened to some demos of their site and their samples seemed very beautiful.
Regarding the (only) internal amplification of the organ, I can say that any organ (of any brand) will be insufficient for a large environment. Internal amplification in these cases is only a "monitor" for the organist, and it is legitimate not to expect great results, because these organs have been designed to be used with many external speakers.
The organs with many internal audio channels are designed to have an optimal performance in a domestic environment (for organist practice), or at most, in a small chapel, but they will always be insufficient in a large environment that will always require external speakers to obtain a realistic result.
I cannot recommend a specific organ, because this evaluation must be done by you personally based on your needs.
Keep in mind that whichever organ you choose, in case it has an insufficient yield in the environment where it will be installed (I assume in a Church), you can always improve it considerably by adding external speakers in the future.
Hi ahlborn,,
Thanks for your very informative contributions (as always). You surely deserve praise!
Do you know what woofer is in my P235 (assuming that Andante didn't alter the audio, but only changed some voices and the drawknob layout)?
I have superb bass too, better and more defined than in any other organ model I did play during the selection process.
Regarding Content, I play a Chapel 227 on regular base, it has plenty of bass but that bass is not very detailed or defined.
Thx in advance, regards,
DE übersetzung:
Vielen Dank für Ihre sehr informativen Beiträge (wie immer). Sie verdienen sicherlich Lob!
Wissen Sie, was für ein Woofer in meinem P235 ist (vorausgesetzt, Andante hat das Audio nicht geändert, sondern nur einige Stimmen und das Drawknob-Layout angepasst)?
Ich habe auch einen hervorragenden Bass, der besser und definierter ist als bei jedem anderen Orgelmodell, das ich während des Auswahlprozesses gespielt habe.
Betreffende Content, ich spiele regelmäßig eine Chapel 227 und die hat plenty Bass, aber dieze bass ist nicht sehr detailliert oder definiert.
#38 RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
Zitat von trompetendulzian im Beitrag #30
BTW: Do you know (how to figure out) the SysEx codes to switch the Local ON/OFF as mentioned in the Physis 1.14.13 release notes? Unfortunately the Physis documentation has not yet been updated.
Best regards
Ok, I have the data information to put stops in Local Off/On via midi.
First of all, using Midi-OX it is necessary to know the SysEx of individual stops and note them (it should be sufficient to activate individual stops to see which signals receive Midi-OX)
The protocol for using Local Off/On is this:
F0 31 2n 20 <i1 i2> 0v F7
n= midi channel (on base 0)
<i1 i2>= stop id
v= 0/1 for local off/on
Zitat von PM im Beitrag #39
Hi ahlborn,,
Thanks for your very informative contributions (as always). You surely deserve praise!
Do you know what woofer is in my P235 (assuming that Andante didn't alter the audio, but only changed some voices and the drawknob layout)?
I have superb bass too, better and more defined than in any other organ model I did play during the selection process.
Regarding Content, I play a Chapel 227 on regular base, it has plenty of bass but that bass is not very detailed or defined.
Thx in advance, regards,
Hi PM,
unfortunately I can't remember exactly which woofer is mounted in your P235. It could be 12", but I'm not sure.
Also for the Chapel 227, it's a model I've never tried. Is it installed in a small environment? To improve the acoustic performance (especially if the organ is positioned near a corner or a wall) you could try moving the organ to a different position. Very often the definition at low frequencies is lost when the sound is reflected from a wall, and sometimes it is sufficient to move the organ to a different position to have improvements (especially when it was positioned near a corner)..
Hi ahlborn,
Indeed the Chapel 227 is positioned in a corner: behind it is a stone wall, at the right a glass facade. The room is ca 25x15x4 (d-w-h). No external speakers (nevertheless, accompanying 80-120 person is no problem). Main problem is that it's hard to articulate a defined bassline in polyfonic music.
Unfortunately anorther position is convenient (and hardly possible) due to the multifunctionality of the room - so I have to live with it. For external speakers is currently no support from the management.
PS My P235 is placed against the wall (in the living room), nevertheless the Bass is superb. And, at both sides there is no wall or obstacle within, say, 2-4 meters each side (is good for the surround function, I'm told).
Bitte vermengen wir nicht die Fragen innerhalb dieses Threads. Wenn über bestimmte Content-Orgeln diskutiert werden soll, öffnet bitte ein neues Thema.
Please, do not mix up the questions within this thread.
If you want to discuss certain Content organs, please open a new topic.
#42 RE: RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
#43 RE: RE:Viscount Sonus 60 oder Positiv 346?
Stellen Sie die Frage so, ich brauche ein Modell mit gutem Bass, die Handbücher klingen in allen Modellen gut, na ja, wenn es keinen guten Bass gibt, ist es besser, Klavier zu spielen. Also Sonus 60, P346 oder Ouvertüre oder Gloria Concerto 355 -468? So können Sie leichter antworten. Danke
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