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Physis Editor crashes fixed now (firmware 1.14.14)
#16 RE: Physis Editor crashes fixed now (firmware 1.14.14)
Hello Ahlborn,
Do you have any information about the release history of the current version?
At the moment there is only the change log of release 1.14.13 on the website available. It would be interesting for me (and maybe for some others) to know, if there have been major changes to Physis.
Thanks in advance and a big thank you for your support.
#17 RE: Physis Editor crashes fixed now (firmware 1.14.14)
Hello Vivaldi72,
I explained in post #10,
there are no major changes between 1.14.13 and 1.14.14; two bugs have been fixed: a bug was introduced unintentionally with version 1.14.13 and caused some organ freezes. The second bug was the incompatibility of the organ USB port code with Windows 10 drivers.
Don't worry Vivaldi, you don't have to apologize for anything!
Regarding future updates, it is difficult to know what further developments will be.
I personally have made some requests, but some of them are not implementable because the hardware would need to be changed.
My wishes would be:
1) a new Editor version that allows you to edit ALL the parameters note by note.
2) it would be nice if a simulation of dynamic note release would be made; currently "release" is a static parameter that can be set manually in the voicing parameters, and dynamic tracker touch only acts attack transient.
3) a function that allows to adjust the delay of attack of the sound (as in the electric organs with distant pipes), individually for each manual. (Currently, can still imitate a delay with the wet reverb function).
4) a function that allows to adjust the delay in releasing the sound for each individual manual, in order to better imitate the sensation of tubular-pneumatic organs.
My biggest wish however concerns two implementations that will only be possible with different hardware.
In particular:
1) Dynamic pedalboard
2) implementation of the dynamic tracker touch exactly as in mechanical tracker pipe organs.
Let me explain better: currently Physis system imitates tracker touch with a series of nuances in the attack transient that start from a minimum up to a maximum. The "minimum" level is in any case a level in which the pipe "speaks" correctly with the key at the stroke end, and clearly this is dictated by the limitations of the keyboard technology, which uses two contacts to derive the speed of actuation of the key (and this is a system that works very well with piano, or with the electric or Barker or tubular organ, but not with the mechanical tracker organ).
Currently therefore it is not possible to recreate all those initial nuances (which start with a hiss and arrive at a stable tone) because a keyboard with a continuous control of key position would be necessary.
To obtain a continuous position control, it is necessary to abandon the keyboard two-contact system and insert an optical scanner that constantly detects the key position and the actuation speed.
In this way it would be possible to recreate exactly what happens in the ventil of mechanical organ. So it would be possible to press a key only 1 mm and hear a hissing sound that remains as long as the key remains in that position, until the complete sound is generated when the key is pressed further.
The physical models to be implemented would not be a problem, however, in addition to a different key detection system (I assume optical scanners are expensive), more computing power would be needed, and therefore it would be necessary to have a different hardware platform.
Die update-Beiträge habe ich sehr interessiert gelesen. Ich habe folgende Fragen:
- Sind denn die angebotenen Viscount-updates immer kompatibel zu den Gloria-Concerto Modellen?
- In der Vergangenheit habe ich stets bei Kisselbach nachgefragt - Kai Kilian hat mir jeweils einen Link zum Download geschickt.
- Ich besitze momentan folgende Versionen: OS Version 1.14.2 / Editor 1.71.
- Macht es Sinn zu aktualisieren (offenbar gab es Abstürze mit Windows 10)?
I read the update articles with great interest. I have the following questions:
- Are the offered Viscount-updates always compatible with the Gloria-Concerto models?
- In the past I always asked Kisselbach - Kai Kilian sent me a link for download.
- I currently own the following versions: OS version 1.14.2 / Editor 1.71.
- Does it make sense to update (apparently there were crashes with Windows 10)?
Tut mir leid, mein Schulenglisch ist mangelhaft....
#22 RE: Physis Editor crashes fixed now (firmware 1.14.14)
#23 RE: Physis Editor crashes fixed now (firmware 1.14.14)
Hi mvn,
Zitat von mvn im Beitrag #20
I read the update articles with great interest. I have the following questions:
- Are the offered Viscount-updates always compatible with the Gloria-Concerto models?
Yes, they are compatible. All updates are compiled at the main company in Italy and sent to various distributors around the world.
Zitat von mvn im Beitrag #20
- In the past I always asked Kisselbach - Kai Kilian sent me a link for download.
this is the direct link to download the update:
Zitat von mvn im Beitrag #20
- I currently own the following versions: OS version 1.14.2 / Editor 1.71.
Does it make sense to update (apparently there were crashes with Windows 10)?
Yes, it is advisable to update to the latest version. Is also need to update Editor to the latest version.
Best regards
Lieber ahlborn,
vielen Dank für Deine sehr ausführlichen und kompetenten Ausführungen zur Physis-Technologie - auch wenn ich mich wegen meiner doch sehr beschränkten Englisch-Kenntnisse schwer tue, alles wirklich zu verstehen.
Inzwischen habe ich auf den aktuellsten Physis-Stand geupdatet. Zuerst gab es noch ein paar Abstürze, seit ich am vergangenen WE aber auch Windows 10 endlich auf den neuesten Stand bringen konnte, scheint das Zeitalter dieser Crashes passe zu sein.
Das wäre dann seitens Viscount mal ein erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung . . .
Jetzt fehlt allerdringendst noch die hier bereits angesprochene Möglichkeit, alle Paramter (Character, Air Noise, Attack, . . .) via Editor Ton für Ton anpassen zu können. Nach meiner Interpretation des Begriffs "Intonation" kann man eigentlich erst danach von einer wirklichen "Intonation" einer Physis-Orgel sprechen: Bei einer PO wird ja schießlich auch jeder Ton auf den Raum etc. angepasst . . .
Sollten die V-Ingenieure das in einer wirklich absehbaren Zeit noch hinbekommen, dann ziehe ich erstens meinen Hut vor diesen Leuten, und werde zweitens anschließend vermutlich ziemlich schwer von meinem Orgelbock weg zu bekommen sein, denn dann steht der Kreation einer perfekten DO eigentlich nichts mehr im Weg.
Als kleine Dreingabe würde ich mir schließlich noch einen Zimbelstren wünschen . . .
Mit dankbarem Gruß
Good morning Flauten,
yes, after the Win10 updates (necessary to update the Windows drivers) the Editor stability has greatly increased. I have used the Editor very frequently in the past two weeks and haven't encountered a crash.
Of course, to have defined statistical data it would be necessary to try many notebooks of different brands; but personally I think the problem has been solved for a very high percentage of notebooks.
As for the functionality of the Editor, yes, I completely agree with you. The ability to have all parameters adjustable note by note is a huge advantage. It is also true that this possibility is more useful for home organ owners than for church installations.
The sound projected by speakers close to the ears makes more perceptible nuances, so that a more precise adjustment of each note is required to obtain greater satisfaction.
In church installations using external speakers, the need to adjust all parameters is much less critical, at least as far as I have been able to experiment.
Of course, in order for Viscount to be pushed to write new software, it is mainly necessary for this request to be made by distributors, as required by various internal markets. They will be unlikely to fulfill this wish if there are few requests.
As for the Zimbelstern, it is already available from the American distributor, but the orchestral sound card must be reprogrammed at their laboratory.
Best regards
I'm glad to say I didn't have a crash either (Win 10 notebook) and me too used the editor intensively exchange voices, change user styles, and so on. I am currently experimenting with different intonation strategies, I.e. :
- comparising the effects of a mellow 8' flute combined with a bright 4' flute and reversed (also possible with the board editing module).
- evaluating the effect of four to five 8' labial voices of different character on each manual, with different strategies of slight detuning (only possible with editor)
- idem with mixtures (see also topic Verstimmung der Teilwerke bei einer Viscount Prestige II)
Inzwischen ist die offizielle Release History 1.14.14 auf der Viscount-Hompage zu finden.
Dort heißt es:
Release 1.14.14
- Improved communication with Physis Editor, now working without loss of connection on Windows 10
- Strengthening of the voice arrangement modification procedure on numerous actions from Physis Editor
- VPFS loading no longer possible with insufficient internal memory
Bug Fix:
- Correction of the bug introduced in 1.14.13, occasionally causing the organ to lock up about 1 and a half hours after switching on
Bedauerlicher-, aber natürlich auch verständlicherweise gibt's den Text nur auf Englisch.
Mag/Kann mir jemand den Text evtl. etwas ausdeutschen?
Mit dankbarem Gruß
Hier werden Sie geholfen:
Viola da Gamba
#29 RE: Physis Editor crashes fixed now (firmware 1.14.14)
ich habe diese Woche meine CC355 auf die aktuellste Version und auch den Editor auf die neueste Version upgedatet. Seit dem stürzt der Editor beim Benutzen immer wieder nach einigen Minuten ab und fordert einem auf, das Programm zu schließen. Ich habe auf meinem Rechner noch Windows 7. Kann mir jemand dazu etwas sagen?
Viele Grüße
Viola da Gamba
#30 RE: Physis Editor crashes fixed now (firmware 1.14.14)
Zitat von Viola da Gamba im Beitrag #29
Seit dem stürzt der Editor beim Benutzen immer wieder nach einigen Minuten ab und fordert einem auf, das Programm zu schließen.
Hallo Viola Da Gamba,
vielleicht musst Du Deinen PC doch auf Windows 10 updaten (soll laut Google nach wie vor kostenlos sein). Im Release steht nicht, dass das Programm mit Windows 7 nicht mehr kompatibel ist, sondern nur: "Verbesserungen: - Verbesserte Kommunikation mit Physis Editor, jetzt ohne Verbindungsverlust unter Windows 10". Da Windows 7 von Microsoft keine Updates mehr erhält, wäre ein Wechsel zu Windows 10 vielleicht die Lösung.
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