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Digital Pipes introduction
Dear forumers, I like to introduce myself and, at the same time, apologise for not being able to write in German :(
I have been invited to this forum by a good friend of mine and, finally, here I am!
I have two instruments, a Sonus 60 and a Unico P35, both green :) I enjoyed voicing and tuning them to a good level of performance, and both can be heard in a youtube channel I run (and which has the same name as my nickname here).
All the discussion in this forum about digital organs are of a very high level and I really like the contribution that everyone is giving while keeping a very friendly environment.
I hope I will be able to constructively contribuite to the discussions :)
All the best,
Hello DP,
well then: A very warm welcome to our round!
I am surprised that you will certainly feel at home "with us"!
Your YouTube channel is really great!
Especially what you have made out of
Especially what you get out of
"Physis-Organ and Space" is really outstanding!
Of course, it would be great if you could take part in this year's forum meeting from 1 to 3 October in Baunatal (near Kassel/Germany) at the Kisselbach company!
Kind regards
#3 RE: Digital Pipes introduction
Really... the organs are green...
I think, this is a unique color of the instruments in our community...
So "Welcome on board" and we look foward to several colorfull posts...
Best regards
#6 RE: Digital Pipes introduction
I'm very delighted to see you here. Until now we know each other only by Youtube ("Nils-Ole Krafft" is my channel) and now I'm looking forward to hear more here about your organ settings and other stuff.
#8 RE: Digital Pipes introduction
Ihr könnt Euch gar nicht vorstellen, wie sehr es mich freut, daß "Digital Pipes", zu dem ich schon eine Weile Telefon-und WhatsApp-Kontakt habe, nun auch in unserem Forum drin ist!
Von seinen YouTube-Kanal-Aufnahmen (gleicher Name wie sein Nickname hier!) mit seinen zwei (!) grünen Physis-Orgeln hatte ich hier schon öfter welche gepostet, nicht der Farbe wegen 😉, die ich zwar auch für sehr gelungen halte, aber vor allem deshalb, um zu zeigen, was er, u. A. mit der Verwendung externer Faltungshall-Programme aus seinen Instrumenten in Sachen Klangauthentizität so alles rausholt!
Und Orgel spielen kann er m.E. auch sehr gut!
Ich bin überzeugt, daß er für unser Forum eine echte Bereicherung darstellt!
Unter der Würdigung gewisser Vorbehalte gegenüber YouTube-Aufnahmen komme ich zu der Feststellung, daß er mit seinen von ihm konfigurierten Orgeln klanglich in der obersten Liga spielt...
Viele Grüße
Zitat von Canticus im Beitrag #8
daß er mit seinen von ihm konfigurierten Orgeln klanglich in der obersten Liga spielt..
Da gebe ich Bernhard absolut recht. Ich bin auch schon über die YT-Videos mit der grünen Sonus 60 gestolpert und habe mir jedesmal verwundert die Ohren gerieben, was Paolo aus der Orgel herauszaubert. Wirklich beeindruckend.
@DigitalPipes: Welcome to this Forum 🙂
Thanks very much everybody for your messages!
And Bernhard, you are way too generous to me, my video show the journey of an organ lover in his attempt to achieve the dream of his life :) Every time I think I reached the best sound possible, I prove myself wrong with the next improvement. God only knows when I will be over :D and in the meantime I enjoy the journey very much!
Welcome also from my side here in the forum.
As it is by chance, Paolo and I have also been in contact by mail since last week and had exchanged a few of our intonations.
Perhaps it would be feasible to quickly make Paolo a regular forianer ("Stammforianer"), so that he can also benefit from the treasure box ("Schatzkästchen") and - if he wants to - allow him to participate in the exchange of intonations here in the forum as well?
I've had limited opportunity to try his voicings so far, but there might be some discrepancies since his Sonus 60 is the Italian variant. Nevertheless, our Physis cracks could perhaps work with the Editor to make his really successful intonations available here in the forum for the German Concerto models - of course, only if Paolo also supports it.
Once again - welcome and great that you are now also here!
Zitat von Untersatz im Beitrag #13
Welcome also from my side here in the forum.
As it is by chance, Paolo and I have also been in contact by mail since last week and had exchanged a few of our intonations.
Perhaps it would be feasible to quickly make Paolo a regular forianer ("Stammforianer"), so that he can also benefit from the treasure box ("Schatzkästchen") and - if he wants to - allow him to participate in the exchange of intonations here in the forum as well?
I've had limited opportunity to try his voicings so far, but there might be some discrepancies since his Sonus 60 is the Italian variant. Nevertheless, our Physis cracks could perhaps work with the Editor to make his really successful intonations available here in the forum for the German Concerto models - of course, only if Paolo also supports it.
Once again - welcome and great that you are now also here!
Thanks Stephan! you guys have to guide me into this secret Physis society! It seems that you are well equipped here :D
Btw, I loaded your Schnitger voicing into my Sonus but the stops are allover the place :D I can see on the Kisselbach website that there is also a different arrangement of the stop tabs of the Gloria 350 compared to the Sonus 60. This might be another reason of the stop swaps when importing the voicing file.
Anyway, I am open to exchange my voicings. I actually use only one, which is the type of organ that suits my taste and performance needs ;)
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