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Gloria Concerto: Orchestral auf einen Piston legen?
02.05.2022 16:31
#32 RE: Gloria Concerto: Orchestral auf einen Piston legen?
Zitat von Regal acht im Beitrag #23Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #22
Next time, I know what to do.
So you're going to collect a few more, then? (=
As long as I do not get married, I can indulge in collecting digital organs
02.05.2022 18:43
#34 RE: Gloria Concerto: Orchestral auf einen Piston legen?
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #32
As long as I do not get married, I can indulge in collecting digital organs
I don't think anyone on this forum could object, of course -- do keep at it! =)
And yes, being single can help avoid certain discussions.. "I told you to buy bread, potatoes and spinach -- and you come back with a digital organ!" etc ;)
03.05.2022 07:02
#36 RE: Gloria Concerto: Orchestral auf einen Piston legen?
Zitat von Regal acht im Beitrag #34
And yes, being single can help avoid certain discussions.. "I told you to buy bread, potatoes and spinach -- and you come back with a digital organ!" etc ;)
Wife: another one? Seriously? Wait a moment! Where has the sofa gone?
Paolo: I trashed it.
Wife: what? where is my mother going to lay and rest when she visits us?
Paolo: your mother? You never told me you had one...
03.05.2022 08:26
#37 RE: Gloria Concerto: Orchestral auf einen Piston legen?
Aaah, you walked right into the "wife's mother" trap :D
That's serious: To avoid "My mother warned me against marrying you, I'm moving back to her place, and you can see if your organs cook you dinner", it's going to cost you ;)
I'd say that's at least a Cartier tiara and three weeks at some lovely beach!
03.05.2022 09:33
#38 RE: Gloria Concerto: Orchestral auf einen Piston legen?
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