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Allen Organs European Price List
As dumb as I can be sometimes, especially when I take things for granted without further investigation, I just discovered that there is an Allen representative in Switzerland! They are in the French part of the country and it would be very interesting to visit their showroom.
#33 RE: Allen Organs European Price List
I note (again with regret) that even in the European sites Allen maintains the strategy of hitting competitors with often false information.
Here I read:
"An Allen organ has an average life of 50 years (compared to 5 or 10 years for other manufacturers)."
The competitor organs honestly last for more than 5 or 10 years on average.
And their organs, on average, last less than 50 years.
Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Allen organ, their flagship installation from 1989 (5 manuals, 154 speaker cabinets, 134 tone generation boards,) has become a great media case.
Well after only 25 years, this installation has failed miserably. In just a few years, 50 boards were replaced (possibly damaged by poor heat dissipation design) and another 50 needed replacement, when the Church committee ran out of patience and decided to sell everything, to buy a new Walker digital organ. And we are talking about their flagship installation, installed with all the necessary precautions, and not a small domestic organ.
"It has no maintenance costs"
Allen also uses Fatar keyboards, and foam surround speakers.
And anyone who uses Fatar keyboards knows that at some point the rubber contacts will need to be replaced.
For the same reason, foam surrounds will need to be replaced after years, as they will tend to crumble. American forums are overflowing with requests for advice on replacing surround foam for Allen loudspeakers, which in many cases began to crumble before the age of 20.
Just to name two examples, but I could do many more.
Really, I don't want to create a controversy, but when I read these hyperbole, I am forced to reply. I find it disconcerting that in 2022 there is still this type of advertising that reminds me of the hyperbole of 1980s telesales.
#34 RE: Allen Organs European Price List
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #33
Really, I don't want to create a controversy, but when I read these hyperbole, I am forced to reply. I find it disconcerting that in 2022 there is still this type of advertising that reminds me of the hyperbole of 1980s telesales.
It seems to be the norm on the other side of the ocean. Even when answering a legit question about a 64’ stop in a 3x5 room:
CFAA94E8-951F-4B8B-8B47-A128153FB62F.jpeg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
Patronising and deceiving.
#37 RE: Allen Organs European Price List
Diese Art von Propaganda hat mich schon vor Jahren sehr abgestoßen. Das Theater um eine ganz spezielle Orgel in Rom passte für mich leider ins Bild. Ebenso erscheint mir die günstigste Orgelserie dieses Herstellers nur wenig ansprechend. Dass die deutlich mehr kosten würde als eine Studio kann ich mir auch ohne Preisangaben im Netz denken.
Vor vielen Jahren gab es auch in Europa mal Firmen, die zumindest im Beratungsgespräch gezielt mit negativen Aussagen die Mitbewerber auszustechen versuchten. Keine dieser Firmen existiert noch bzw. spielt heute noch eine Rolle...
Die Endpreise für Orgeln auf dem US-Markt sind deutlich höher als in Europa. Wer eine Mittelklasse-Orgel kaufen will, muss dafür richtig viel Geld ausgeben. Und genau da setzte Hauptwerk als US-Firma an, denn selbst eine hochwertige HW-Installation ist dort günstiger als eine neue Digitalorgel. Das dürfte die Nachfrage entsprechend beeinflusst haben.
#38 RE: Allen Organs European Price List
Zitat von Laurie 3.0 im Beitrag #37
Diese Art von Propaganda hat mich schon vor Jahren sehr abgestoßen. Das Theater um eine ganz spezielle Orgel in Rom passte für mich leider ins Bild. Ebenso erscheint mir die günstigste Orgelserie dieses Herstellers nur wenig ansprechend. Dass die deutlich mehr kosten würde als eine Studio kann ich mir auch ohne Preisangaben im Netz denken.
The organ that Allen donated to St. Peter was an epic fail for the reason that no European manufacturer would have dared to violate the doors of that place with a permanent installation. The reaction of the public opinion was istantaneous and tranchant! And I still remember the funny video from Cologne Cathedral which mocked the digital organ in St. Peter (not so funny for us Italian organists who all felt ashamed).
Digital Organ in Cologne Cathedral
We often hear (horribly) sounding digital organs during various papal masses, but normally this happens when they take place in a stadium, a park, or wherever there is not a pipe organ available (basically everywhere but in a church).
Zitat von Laurie 3.0 im Beitrag #37
Vor vielen Jahren gab es auch in Europa mal Firmen, die zumindest im Beratungsgespräch gezielt mit negativen Aussagen die Mitbewerber auszustechen versuchten. Keine dieser Firmen existiert noch bzw. spielt heute noch eine Rolle...
The other great Italian manufacturer of digital organs was Generalmusic (first branded as GEM, and then Ahlborn) and for years they have been ahead of Viscount from many points of view. They produced beautifully crafted instruments with state-of-the-art technology. I still have fond memories of my Organum II, an instrument that I enjoyed for many years before switching to HW. They went bankrupt because of a short-sighted management, but as long as they were alive, they ruled the market.
Zitat von Laurie 3.0 im Beitrag #37
Die Endpreise für Orgeln auf dem US-Markt sind deutlich höher als in Europa. Wer eine Mittelklasse-Orgel kaufen will, muss dafür richtig viel Geld ausgeben. Und genau da setzte Hauptwerk als US-Firma an, denn selbst eine hochwertige HW-Installation ist dort günstiger als eine neue Digitalorgel. Das dürfte die Nachfrage entsprechend beeinflusst haben.
This is the reason why I think that Allen prices in Europe must be lower than in the US. Nobody here is used to spend that much money on a digital instrument. On the other hand, I remember a post, some time ago in the Viscount Physis User group on Facebook, where a guy was asked the price he paid for the Unico P35 that I had just received. He said something aroung 38/40 k, which is three times the price of the same instrument in Italy. Ah, ok, they have the divisional pistons, the orchestral voices, and the octave couplers... makes sense ;)
#39 RE: Allen Organs European Price List
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #38
The organ that Allen donated to St. Peter was an epic fail for the reason that no European manufacturer would have dared to violate the doors of that place with a permanent installation. The reaction of the public opinion was istantaneous and tranchant! And I still remember the funny video from Cologne Cathedral which mocked the digital organ in St. Peter (not so funny for us Italian organists who all felt ashamed).
Digital Organ in Cologne Cathedral
We often hear (horribly) sounding digital organs during various papal masses, but normally this happens when they take place in a stadium, a park, or wherever there is not a pipe organ available (basically everywhere but in a church).
The reaction of the Italian organists was instantaneous and tranchant and... full of contradictions.
Although I have a passion for electronics, I have always been very uncompromising about the choice of instruments in churches and conservatories: only pipes. And only GOOD pipe.
I cannot judge the position of the churches outside Italy, which perhaps have a different situation from Italy. But Italy, which is a ramshackle country for many things, has one characteristic: the Catholic Church is RICH.
When a priest justifies himself that there is not enough money for a pipe organ, in most cases it is not true. More likely, he has no interest, or does not want to, look for money.
When they proposed an online petition to remove the digital organ from St. Peter, I immediately signed, because St. Peter already owns 7 pipe organs, and certainly has no economic problems to have any other monumental pipe organ built (in fact, it COULD have any new monumental organ for free; we are talking about the most famous church in the world, and there would be no problem in finding in a short time, a series of rich benefactors who would donate the organ, even if it were to cost 50 million of Euro).
But when I read the list of signatories of this petition I was amused: curiously I found the names of organists who until the day before were playing and inaugurating electronic organs in churches, and the next day they were "indignant" for the S.Peter electronic organ.
Strange, but this indignation lasted very little, because then they continued to inaugurate electronic organs in the churches, and someone even had Hauptwerk installed in the conservatory.
And they justified themselves by saying that the conservatory had little money for a real pipe organ.
They want the giant console with 100 stops to show off their narcissism, and the easiest solution is to have it with Hauptwerk (ignoring, however, all the acoustic problems that such an installation presents, which is very serious for a conservatory teacher).
I apologize for the off topic.
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #39
The reaction of the Italian organists was instantaneous and tranchant and... full of contradictions.
Although I have a passion for electronics, I have always been very uncompromising about the choice of instruments in churches and conservatories: only pipes. And only GOOD pipe.
Yes, and here is the other big problem: GOOD pipes. During the years I spent working in the pipe-organ business I have seen unbelievable things, especially in new instruments built by the most famous Italian organbuilders. The only organbuilder that I would rely on, today, for a big instrument is Ruffatti, but I will call someone else for the voicing. For small/historically built instruments there are a couple of very (very) good ones, and that’s it. So, it’s not just a money issue, it is also an issue of finding a good builder. We do not have Klais, Kuhn or Rieger in Italy that can build to perfection any instrument, of any size, of any school.
We are totally derailing the thread
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #33
Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Allen organ, their flagship installation from 1989 (5 manuals, 154 speaker cabinets, 134 tone generation boards,) has become a great media case.
Well after only 25 years, this installation has failed miserably. In just a few years, 50 boards were replaced (possibly damaged by poor heat dissipation design) and another 50 needed replacement, when the Church committee ran out of patience and decided to sell everything, to buy a new Walker digital organ. And we are talking about their flagship installation, installed with all the necessary precautions, and not a small domestic organ.
Did not know about this instrument and did a little investigation. The question is not so straightforward as one might think, it seems that Allen offered to replace all the boards for free. The reason to sell the organ off and replace it with a Walker might lie somewhere else. I think now of the organ of the Tonhalle in Zürich, a beautiful and fully functioning Kleuker, which has been recently trashed and replaced by a shining new Kuhn. New organist, new taste, new requirements. Then, that a digital organ from 1989 might need some update, that it goes without saying. But at that time, it sounded incredibly good. Would have loved to have this toy when I was a church organist, instead of all the most crap pipe organ I had to play…
1989 Allen
#42 RE: Allen Organs European Price List
I have investigated a lot about this story, also contacting some peolpe for precise information: also because I had a very heated debate on another forum, and therefore I searched all the possible details of this story.
Allen offered to repair the remaining 50 cards free of charge when they heard that the Church was about to dispose of the Allen organ and it would be a serious damage to their image; only then did they offer to repair it for free.
But the first many cards that have started failing since 2012 have been repaired for a fee, and Allen repair prices aren't exactly cheap (especially when it comes to many cards).
Sure, a strategic move but one that came late.
And yes, the reasons why the church committee/organist may have decided to change the organ are various, but of course there was also the question that a organ that has exhibited so many problems after 25 years, could manifest others in the future even if it is repaired (in part) for free.
But the point of this whole story is that even Allen organs can fail, well before 50 years of operation. This myth that Allen's are indestructible and engineering perfect is just publicity.
That said, anyone can buy an Allen and be happy, there are many companies out there and many organists with different opinions, and there can be people who are as satisfied with Allen as with any other company.
With that, I don't add anything else to this Allen story, I have said enough already and anyone can investigate on their own and form their own opinion. I don't really want to create any hot threads or controversy.
Yes, I agree on the Italian organ building situation, and Ruffatti works well; personally I have never appreciated their Pitman windchests, but now they build windchests of any kind, with very high reliability.
And yes, they are not great voicers unfortunately, but certainly better than many improvised organ builders who would have to change jobs (someone still tunes "a squarcio"!!!)
#43 RE: Allen Organs European Price List
Zitat von clemens-cgn im Beitrag #43
Hallo Paolo,
die "digitale Orgel für St. Peter in Köln" wo der Domorganist höchst persönlich eine mindestens 40 Jahre alte DEREUX - Orgel durch den Dom schob, war ein klassischer APRILSCHERZ.....
The video was amazing and full of sharp sarcasm! I think, though, that it hit more the Italian organists then the Vatican Clergy including Msg Palombella who was the sick mind behind this move.
#45 RE: Allen Organs European Price List
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #42
But the point of this whole story is that even Allen organs can fail, well before 50 years of operation. This myth that Allen's are indestructible and engineering perfect is just publicity.
Allen’s advertising arguments are a little outdated, they were good in the ‘80s when nobody knew that an electronic board would have become old in 2 years. I don’t think that someone seriously believes that if you buy a digital organ today, you will keep it for 50 years.
Again, I think this has to do with a special American way to sell things, I never heard such arguments here in Europe.
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