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Welcome Cantorum Duo!
Welcome to the newcomer… the Cantorum Duo!
I had already been evaluating the purchase of a liturgical keyboard for some time, for services in churches without an organ.
Well, I have to be honest, after a couple of weeks of use, I was very impressed.
Ok, it's not Physis, and it's not even Hauptwerk (although on Okey's test it was put on a par with Hauptwerk, no, it's not true), but what it can do, it does very well indeed.
I knew the Vivace technology, and this "toy" sounds much better.
First, the samples: they are moderately long samples. I measured loops of around 1 second for the larger samples (compared to Vivace samples, only a few dozen cycles). And here's the news: I think Viscount did a really good job with how he handled the number and length of samples.
In the Vivace line there was a certain systematicity (same length of the samples, one sample per octave), while in the new Artem technology the samples vary in length and quantity.
Therefore, on some stops I found 1 second long samples and even up to 3 samples per octave, above all in the section of the keyboard most sensitive to the timbral variations of the stops. On some less problematic stops (such as some mutations, Nazard, Terz, etc.) I found fewer and shorter samples, without this being a limit. So they managed the available memory in a really smart way.
Each sample is perfectly cycled, especially in the evolution of the wind noise (which was completely missing in the Vivace), and adapts perfectly to the loops of different stops, without any artifacts being perceived. It's really all very pleasant to listen to. I think the samples have a higher resolution than the Vivace, you immediately perceive a higher definition.
Now, it must also be said that there are limitations.
The various styles are fixed and it is not possible to choose different voices for each stop (while it was possible with Vivace).
I think it depends on the new samples management; each stop has a different number of samples (and different lengths) so I think it would be very difficult to fit a stop with a different memory size.
Furthermore, I have the impression that all the stops of a certain style have been optimized perfectly to integrate with each other (to avoid looping errors and distortions). So they probably wanted to keep a static arrangement to get the best possible quality from the amalgam of the various samples.
The various stops are very interesting, although some elements seem magnified to attract the ear at first listening (some chiffs seem exaggerated, even the wind noise in some stos).
Other elements, especially the Release, just felt wrong and unrealistic.
Naturally, as perhaps some of you know, the Artem line also allows voicing within certain limits, by accessing a secret menu.
The adjustable parameters are: a certain flexibility in the volume of the various keyboard sections for stop, the length of the release, the detuning of the release, the choice of different profiles for the Voix Celeste stop (actually each stop can become "celeste" with this function) .
Neither the initial attack (chiff) nor the wind noise can be modified.
This makes me think that wind and chiff are part of the sample, while the release is artificially obtained with some software gimmick.
However, many stops were simply unrealistic in the release setting, and a more accurate setting of this parameter allowed me to get a very good realism of each stop.
Note that in some cases, I have noticed that the release originally set for one stop automatically diminished in effect when another stop was added. A sort of simplified modeling to perhaps obtain a certain realism in the combination of several stops.
And then, the usual two bipolar electrolytic capacitors in the tweeter crossover... I immediately replaced them with two 5% MKP capacitor, and I can feel the difference.
I also replaced the keyboard springs, now a little lighter and more comfortable.
In short, this little toy is really cute, and with my voicing customizations it now sounds really good; not like my two Physis, but certainly much higher than my expectations!
#2 RE: Welcome Cantorum Duo!
#3 RE: Welcome Cantorum Duo!
Ein interessanter Bericht über das Cantorum, es ist ja zusammen mit dem Cantorum 3 im Forum gut vertreten. Da ich 10 Jahre eine Prestige 80 mein Eigen nannte, würde mich interessieren ob die Samples des Cantorum qualitativ hochwertiger sind. Die Prestige Serie war ja mal die Spitze.
@Regal acht, yes, I treated practically each stop differently, also because (together with the Footage Shifting parameter which lengthens the release portion), it acts differently for each stop. So for example the Regal 8 (Oboe tab) of the Barock style was originally too short in the release portion and the detune release was not very present. It just sounded unreal. So are some Mixtures.
Other stops of the two Baroque/Barock styles (such as Octave 4 and 2), had an excessive release, perhaps to simulate an ancient organ, but the effect was excessive and unnatural. Each stop of each style has been carefully evaluated, both individually and with other stops, to obtain the best result.
I also suspect that Viscount deliberately "forced" the result to obtain a deliberately "characteristic" sound, albeit further from reality.
Also a few words about Artem voicing: it's not really meant to be used by end users, and there are some things you need to know before you start voicing, and the first is that you need to manually mark all the original parameters, because when you save a new voicing, the previous settings are permanently lost. If you want to go back to the original conditions, you need to manually re-enter the previously handwritten parameters.
Naturally, I will provide more precise information to those who have the Cantorum Duo and would like to try my voicing.
@SaintSernin The Prestige series was really great technology, and I find it hard to compare.
Probably the Artem samples have a higher definition (intended as sample rate and bit) and benefit from more modern hardware (modern DACs etc.), but the Prestige series offers many more voicing parameters, and even if the hardware is older, uses components that have very good specs still today. I think it's really hard to compare.
Tomorrow, if I have some time, I'll do some photo of the inside!
Lieber ahlborn, ich bin sprachlos und verneige mich in Ehrfurcht vor so viel Wissen und Detailkenntnis!
Ganz herzlichen Dank für diese ausführliche Analyse der Klänge und der Klangerzeugung der Artem-Technologie.
Inzwischen spiele ich dieses Instrument ja schon seit etwas über 2 Jahren, bin grundsätzlich sehr zufrieden mit diesem Instrument und spiele es deswegen auch recht gerne. Ihre Analyse hilft mir sehr zu verstehen, warum ich mit manchen Klängen nicht so zufrieden bin - und daher bestimmte Orgelstile auch nicht / sehr selten nutze. Ihre Analyse hift mir auch zu verstehen und zu akzeptieren, warum hier - leider - nicht einfach beliebig Stimmen getauscht werden können, und man sich quasi eine Wunschdisposition zusammenstellen kann.
Ich bin schon sehr gespannt auf Ihre Bilder, und - nachdem ich ein bißchen über diese neuen Informationen nachgedacht habe, vielleicht werde ich dann Ihr Angebot annehmen und mich evtl. an eine vorsichtige Nachintonation meines Instrumentes heranwagen . . .
Mit herzlichem Gruß
Thomas Winkelbauer
#6 RE: Welcome Cantorum Duo!
That is invaluable information, and I think it could be equally useful for Chorum/Gloria Optimus users. I'm sure any detailed info on the release settings is appreciated.
Since those settings are done in the "secret" menu, does that mean you have to enter the new values every time at startup?
I'm currently mulling buying a trio for my first organ, and naturally have no idea yet where to start when voicing -- so the alterations on a duo should provide a good hint for the additional voices.
(And, of course, a regal 8 should always sound just right! :D)
I have included some photos of the interior.
The internal layout is organized very well.
There is an internal wooden divider in the centre, which virtually divides the sound generation section (right) from the power supply and amplification section (left).
It's all very tidy, and curiously the power supplies (there are two, one to feed the motherboard, and one for the amplifier) are enclosed inside two metal cages. The Americans who have been fanatical about the usefulness of the cage for years (even when it wasn't really indispensable) will therefore be happy.
The keyboards are the always excellent Viscount keyboards, on which I replaced the springs with lighter ones.
They are excellently built, and rest on an aluminum structure that offers great stability.
The amplifier board, unusually small (like all D class amplifiers) is visible on the left, recognizable by the two large MKP capacitors on both sides (which replace the two original electrolytics).
The loudspeaker are of good quality, and fill a chapel satisfactorily.
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Zitat von Regal acht im Beitrag #6
Since those settings are done in the "secret" menu, does that mean you have to enter the new values every time at startup?
The voicing settings can be saved directly on the organ without having to send the voicing.bin file to Viscount each time (as it is indicated on the document, maybe it's old). However, if the organ is turned off before saving the settings, these will be lost; you need to leave the organ on all the time (as I did; nothing happens even if you leave it on for weeks), and then save the new parameters. Of course it is always possible to enter new parameters and save the new settings as many times as you want, so there can be as many voicing sessions as you want, only before turning off the organ you must save, otherwise you will lose your voicing work.
They will become the permanent parameters, and it will no longer be possible to restore the factory parameters even with a factory reset. So it's better to manually write down the original parameters on a paper before modifying them (which I didn't do, but it doesn't matter, I would never go back to the original configuration!), and insert them manually if you want to go back to the factory configuration.
My intonation is the result of various modifications made over time, so in my case it is definitive.
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #8
My intonation is the result of various modifications made over time, so in my case it is definitive.
Das klingt alles sehr vielversprechend!!!
Haben Sie evtl. Tonaufnahmen des Zustandes vor all Ihren Eingriffen gemacht, um diese dann evtl. mit Aufnahmen des fertig intonierten Zustands zu vergleichen?
Und noch eine ganz allgemeine Frage (Ich weiß, ich bin ein sehr neugieriger Mensch . . .): Verwenden Sie Ihre Cantorum in Gottesdiensten mit einer externen Abstrahlung, oder spielen Sie nur in kleineren Räumen, so dass Sie mit den internen Lautsprechern auskommen. Sie haben ja schon geschrieben, dass diese internen Lautsprecher sehr gut klingen und auch einen tragfähigen Klang erzeugen. Das kann ich nur bestätigen, und kleinere Räume lassen sich damit tatsächlich hervorragend beschallen. Lediglich der 16'-Bereich lässt natürlich etwas nach, aber das ist zunächst einmal zu verschmerzen.
Und glauben/wissen Sie, ob die Lautstärke-Regelung an der Cantorum digital oder analog stattfindet? Ich bilde mir jedenfalls ein, dass ab dem Unterschreiten einer gewissen Grundlautstärke die Klangqualität doch etwas nachlässt.
Und dann noch vielen Dank für die aufschlußreichen Bilder! Sie haben ja tatsächlich die Orgel komplett zerlegt! Respekt vor Ihren Wissen und Können!
Mit herzlichem Gruß
Unfortunately I didn't do any before/after recordings.
The Cantorum I only use with internal speakers; in fact it is a plug and play portable organ, and I use it as such. The internal speakers serve a small/medium church well with no problems. It can certainly be improved a lot with external amplification, but honestly I really don't want to load extra speakers into the car...
Sure, the internal speakers hardly reproduce 16' stops well, but what they do, they do well.
The volume control is totally digital (and the reverb too).
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #10
Unfortunately I didn't do any before/after recordings.
Das ist schade, aber vielleicht wage ich mich nach Weihnachten oder zu Beginn des Neuen Jahres auch an die Intonation der Cantorum, und dann könnte ich ja ein paar Aufnahmen anfertigen und hier zur Diskussion stellen. Aufgenomen in nahezu trockener Akkustik sollte man ja die Unterschiede gut hören können . . .
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #10
in fact it is a plug and play portable organ
Eine schöne Beschreibung für dieses Instrument! Aber auch die Bezeichnung "Feldorgel" von Wichernkantor halte ich für sehr gelungen . . .
Vom Prinzip verwende ich die Cantorum auf die gleiche Art und Weise. In geschlossenen Räumen reicht bis zu einer gewissen Größe die interne Abstrahlung vollkommen aus. Als "Spieltisch" verwende ich einen Campingtisch, als "Bank" einen alten Harmonium-Hocker.
Meistens kommt die Cantorum bei uns aber im Freien zum Einsatz, und da brauchts dann doch das DAVE Roadie dazu, vor allem aber auch, weil wir über diese Anlage auch gleich noch den Altar und das Ambo mikrophonieren . . . Im Freien spiele ich dann auch mit Pedal, wobei ich das Glück habe, dass wir den Tisch, die Bank und das Pedal in der Kapelle einlagern können, und der Rest (Orgel, Kabel, und Technik) haben leicht in unserem Bus, einem ausgebauten Peugeot Boxer, reichlich Platz . . .
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #10
The volume control is totally digital (and the reverb too).
Das hatte ich vermutet, und ich freue mich, dass mein Höreindruck damit bestätigt wird - obwohl, eigentlich wäre mir eine analoge Lautstärken-Regelung ohne Klangverluste schon lieber gewesen . . .
Ach ja, zum Hall: vom Prinzip spiele ich immer ohne Hall, in Räumen sowieso, und auch im Freien gebe ich nur ein winzige Prise Capella-Hall dazu. Alles andere empfinde ich als unnatürlich und würde nach meiner Einschätzung dies ansonsten sehr guten klanglichen Ergebnisse der Cantorum verschlechtern . . .
Mit herzlichem Gruß
Vielen Dank für so reiche Hintergrundinformationen zum Cantorum Duo - ich gestehe, dass ahlborns detaillierte Schilderungen richtig Lust auf dieses kleine, portable Instrument machen. Nicht zuletzt war es der Hinweis auf die Möglichkeit, mittels eines verborgenen Menüs doch noch am Klang arbeiten zu können, der mein Interesse geweckt oder befördert hat. Großartig.
Wer weiß, ob nicht in absehbarer Zeit so ein Cantorum in einer Kapelle in meinem Umfeld ein inzwischen recht altes Roland-Keyboard ablösen wird...?
Ich kann sehr gut nachvollziehen, dass du die Federn der Klaviaturen getauscht hast. Obwohl ich die Viscountklaviaturen aufgrund der charmanten Farbe, der angerauten Oberfläche und der Andeutung der "historischen" Rille sehr mag: Die strenge Befederung kritisiere ich schon seit Jahren - und es ist schade, dass ich technisch betrachtet zwei Linke habe, sodass ich mir einen Federntausch an meiner Concerto (falls das überhaupt möglich ist) leider nicht zutraue.
SaintSernins Frage nach einem Vergleich zwischen alter Prestige-Klanglichkeit und dem ARTEM-gestützten Klang des Cantorum schließe ich mich gerne an. Vivace war indiskutabel - das muss ich nach etlichen Fehlgriffen in meiner Digitalorgel-Anfangszeit leider bestätigen; innovativ war die leicht zugängliche Bibliothek, der Klang selber war sehr durchschnittlich...
Nochmals, lieber ahlborn, meinen Dank für die vielen Informationen rund um eine kleine, aber offensichtlich gar nicht uninteressante Orgel aus dem Hause Viscount!
This is all very interesting, thanks for the info!
I once read that there is also a hidden menu in Physis instruments, how can it be called up and, more importantly, how useful is it to do something with it i.e. what can one do with it? (maybe it is alreay discussed in this forum, but I vannot find it yet).
As for the springs of the keys, its very interesting that, if I would modify them, I would like them to be heavier instead of lighter. Perhaps this has something to do with one of the organs I play regularly: a mechanical instrument from the late 19th century that plays terribly tough.
Physis service menu can be accessed by pressing simultaneously (with the organ already on) the last 4 buttons down, up, enter, exit.
In reality, the functions of the Physis menu are quite limited, you can calibrate the expressive pedals, and choose different minimum volume configurations for the expressive pedals.
For the keyboard, there are also heavier springs...
Those normally inserted in Viscount keyboards are 120 g, but there are also 150 g.
Instead, I chose them from 100 gr.
But be careful, the weights I have listed refer to the force applied without the tracker pad, so you need to calculate an additional 15/20 gr. to get the total!
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