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Physis Plus

Well, the presentation already allows for some speculation.
The new system looks like a kind of "reverse" sampling.
It starts from a software that "listens" to the pipes and formulates the related physical mathematical models.
On the presentation a new touch tracker is indicated (and this interests me a lot, if it were as I have repeatedly said) and also the addition of mechanical noises.
There are also photos of the new editor, and... at first sight it seems you can only edit the pitch note by note.
The other parameters would seem to be possible to modify them only in two zones of the keyboard (low and high keys); an advantage over Physis 1.0, but not yet available note for note (argh!).
Naturally they are only evaluations based on the little information in this presentation.. it will be necessary to see and hear a new organ in person to have clearer ideas.
#49 RE: Physis Plus

Die Tastatur ist geduldig. Schreiben kann man viel. Dass das neue Physis Einzelton-Intonation bieten würde, war zu erwarten. Das stand auf jedem Wunschzettel nach Mondaino ganz oben. Die Antwort auf die entscheidenden Fragen steht noch aus: Wie klingt's? Und klingt's besser? Wer klingt, hat nämlich Recht.

Danke für den Link, lieber Ahlborn.
Die Neugier wächst - und mit ihr die Vorfreude.
Gerne würde ich nach Kennenlernen der ersten Physis-Plus-Orgel sagen: Auf, es ist Zeit für ein Orgelupgrade bei mir zuhause.
Warten wir ab, bis das erste Instrument in den Handel findet. Dann wird es so richtig spannend!
#51 RE: Physis Plus

Zitat von Wichernkantor im Beitrag #50
Die Tastatur ist geduldig. Schreiben kann man viel. Dass das neue Physis Einzelton-Intonation bieten würde, war zu erwarten. Das stand auf jedem Wunschzettel nach Mondaino ganz oben. Die Antwort auf die entscheidenden Fragen steht noch aus: Wie klingt's? Und klingt's besser? Wer klingt, hat nämlich Recht.
I have to agree on this, the ear will be the ultimate judge. In the meantime, speculation a go-go!
#52 RE: Physis Plus

Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #49
There are also photos of the new editor, and... at first sight it seems you can only edit the pitch note by note.
The other parameters would seem to be possible to modify them only in two zones of the keyboard (low and high keys); an advantage over Physis 1.0, but not yet available note for note (argh!).
I saw the screenshot too, and it actually seems that only the pitch can be adjusted note by note. If the volume cannot be adjusted note-by-note, as it is now, that would be an epic fail! When installing the organ in a reverberant space this is the most important feature of all.
3CB591E5-FEBD-4DAA-A2B2-B50643DD56C0.jpeg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

#55 RE: Physis Plus

Zitat von Untersatz im Beitrag #54
Der Editor scheint außerdem kostenlos zu werden und auch auf iOS zu laufen. Siehe Folie 20 im Prezi.
Wir können davon ausgehen, dass die neuen Physis+-Modelle teurer werden als die bisherigen. Wenn da der Editor mit drin wäre, würde das einen höheren Preis sogar rechtfertigen - wenn's nicht gerade ein Mondpreis wird.
ahlborn, thanks for the link!
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #53
it actually seems that only the pitch can be adjusted note by note.
In the Prezi itself it seems the pitch is adjustable note-by-note, see the left side of the slide you partially copied.
It seems the reverb has been improved, the early reflections and the reverb tail can be adjusted separately. For what it is worth.
Übrigens stimme ich Wichernkantor zu: Am Ende unterscheidet das Hören. Ich bin sehr, sehr gespannt auf das Ergebnis!

#59 RE: Physis Plus

Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #49
Well, the presentation already allows for some speculation.
The new system looks like a kind of "reverse" sampling.
It starts from a software that "listens" to the pipes and formulates the related physical mathematical models.
While the referenced 2017 research using of deep learning (neural networks with more than two layers) clearly indicates the Physis team's continuously advancing skills to more closely approximate the sounds of organ pipes, I agree with others that it will be in the hearing that success will be decided.
Viscount's success in organ pipe sound approximation with Physis and the coming Physis+ are admirable and I'm still interested in purchasing one of their Physis instruments in the future, but I believe they've been doing more or less "'reverse' sampling" since Accupipe with its physical modeling.
And just a small bit of push back on Viscount's claim in the announcement for "determining, with a good approximation, how the sound object that determined that timbre is made": current AI/machine learning techniques (including deep learning) are not anywhere close to showing the cause of any effect. Yes, the current AI technologies are aiding them to more quickly improve the sound of Physis instruments but, no, they are not discovering how the timbre-determining sound object is made--they're approximating it using technical analysis combined with human judgment.
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