Neue Physis Aufnahmen im UK

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06.01.2018 15:31
avatar  ahlborn
#31 RE: Neue Physis Aufnahmen im UK

Thank you all.
Unfortunately I do not know German language, and even my English is not perfect. I apologize for this.

Exact. I try the individual alternative stops with chords, arpeggios, scales etc. Then I play them with two or more stops and adjust the voicing parameters.
The general parameters (character, attack, etc.) can be adjusted only for stop. If they were adjustable note by note I could do a much more accurate work.
I wrote to Viscount asking for software development, and maybe in the future they will think about it.
Another request I made is on the simulation of the tracker action. Currently this parameter acts only on the attack (dynamic) but the release of the sound does not change. It would be nice that even the release was adjusted with the release speed key , like on a real tracker organ. Maybe in the future it will be implemented.

The styles I created are inspired by the organs I played, excluding the Cavaille Coll of st.Ouen and the north baroque organ. For these I used many CDs as a reference.

I have reply a Clemens with private message, but I'm not sure the message is arrived, it is difficulty for me understand wich key to press..


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06.01.2018 21:43
avatar  PM
#32 RE: Neue Physis Aufnahmen im UK

Hallo ahlborn,

Danke für deine Erklärung. Ich selbst versuche auch eigene user style zu schaffen und jede Erfahrung anderer hilft mir dabei.

Thanks for your explanation. I myself am also trying to make my own user styles, every help is welcome. Thx again.

Gruß, PM

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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17.02.2019 16:53
#33 RE: Neue Physis Aufnahmen im UK

Ist bei dem Thema "Nachrüstung von Halteklammern" eigentlich zwischenzeitlich etwas herausgekommen?

Viele Grüße


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