Orgelregister „Carillon“

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20.05.2020 11:05 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.05.2020 11:35)
avatar  ahlborn
#16 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Zitat von Aeoline im Beitrag #9

Das "strahlende Glöckchen", dass ich erwartet hatte, ist mehr eine "angelaufene Schelle".


In reality, the Carillon should never dominate other mutations, but integrate itself in a homogeneous way.
An example can be heard here:

The first chord contains the combined mixture (Fourniture-bombarde; Pleinjeu-positiv; Carillon-recit): and Carillon is very well blended.

However, I can perhaps guess what kind of sound was expected of Carillon.
When listening to the large CC organs, with abundant stops registrations, a predominant characteristic is often heard in the high notes; the sound of mutations reminds us a little... what I call "cricket sound" of Cavaille Coll (it seems a little "dissonant screech" in high notes mutations). This is a feature found in different CC organs, and to understand what I mean, you can listen here, right at the beginning of the piece, in the second chord whit open swell:

Indeed, it is a feature that makes CC organs recognizable by any other organ.
If this is the sound you are looking for, the culprit is not the Carillon, because this sound is the result of different elements, not only the Carillon, and the two most important elements to obtain it are the Sub/Super couplers, which are missing in our organs (except in the Ouverture model or some american Unicos).
The sounds obtained with the multiplication of the sub and super couplers, together with the particular arrangement of the CC mutations makes the sound unique.

I downloaded your St.Ouen txt file, but unfortunately it is compiled with a previous editor version and therefore I can't see the real ID of the entries. If you can recreate the txt with the recent editor I can try to load this data on my organ, so I hope I can help you..


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20.05.2020 18:50
avatar  Aeoline
#17 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Hi ahlborn,
Hi anybody else...

Yes of course - the "Octave aigues Récit" will push the sound of Carillon even higher... but I still think, that even the "non-pitched" Carillon in Rouen sounds different.

This piece of music is played on Récit only. What do you think about the Carillon?

a. it is pulled throuout the whole track? - and Octave aigues is pulled around 2:29 and pushed back around 3:15 and is again pulled around 3:33?

b. it is pulled between 3:15 and 3:33 only


The best impression I have is the demonstration of Carillon by Gerald Brooks. He plays the Carillon with 8', 4', 2 2/3' and 2' stops. He doesn't mention anything about the Octave aigues.

Listen how it sounds... - like silver bells... That is the way I would like "my" Carillon sounds like.

Which settings in Physis paramters would you prefer for Carillon?

Best regards,

P.S. a new Version of my Rouen-TXT will follow soon...

Organisten leiden oft an einer schlimmen Krankheit: Augentinnitus - Man(n) sieht nur noch Pfeifen...

Viscount Unico 400 DE [V1.14.19] (56/III/P) : ab 11.2012
Johannus Opus 520 (45/II/P) : 10.1987-11.2012
Siel HB 700 (9/II/P) : 1977-09.1987)


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20.05.2020 21:16 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.05.2020 21:21)
avatar  PM
#18 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Hi Aeoline (and ahlborn),

thanks for sharing this nice pieces of music, much appreciated. Indeed the sounds demonstrated by Gerald Brooks are very nice.

While listening I thought: even the sound of the 8-4-3-2 (Brooks) is beter here than I ever heard on a Physisorgan. Same goes for the Roth examples. May be its my fault, I'm still no professional intonateur, but also recordings on the web never heard this sound. Do you agree or am I missing something?

PS: that is not to say the Physis sound is bad. But, what already is said elsewhere if I'm right, that Physis never can be a copy of any existant organ (like Hauptwek or LiVE). It's an instument 'in itself' and 'only' intonations 'in the style of.....' can be made (please correct me if I'm wrong).

PS2: where does this two soundexamples come from? Especially the first is VERY nice in my ears, can you share the links?

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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20.05.2020 22:30
avatar  Aeoline
#19 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Zitat von PM im Beitrag #18
...PS2: where does this two soundexamples come from? Especially the first is VERY nice in my ears, can you share the links?

Hallo PM,

meinst Du die Links in meinem Post oder die in ahlborn's Post?


Organisten leiden oft an einer schlimmen Krankheit: Augentinnitus - Man(n) sieht nur noch Pfeifen...

Viscount Unico 400 DE [V1.14.19] (56/III/P) : ab 11.2012
Johannus Opus 520 (45/II/P) : 10.1987-11.2012
Siel HB 700 (9/II/P) : 1977-09.1987)


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20.05.2020 22:39
avatar  ahlborn
#20 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Ok, I listened to the examples you posted, thank you, they helped me understand what kind of sound you are looking for.

The first thing I can say is this:

The Carillon of St. Ouen has very large pipe diameters (like Flute), to the point that it almost looks like a Cornet starting from c'. It also seems to me that the 1' rank is of a narrower diameter, and this difference between the large diameter (2 2/3; 1 3/5) and the narrow diameter (1') produces charateristic effect.
I seem to feel that the break repetition of 1' rank, in the last two octaves, is harmonized more strongly.

The Carillon I have provided can never match these characteristics, because it is programmed with full ranks narrow diameter, such as Prinzipal, and the breaks in the last octaves proceed differently.

However, I have good news, because you can build a nice Carillon IV starting from other alternative stops, simulating the harmonization of St. Ouen quite well, including the break points.
To do this, however, you need two tabs.

I did some tests compared to the demos you sent.

The best result, in my ears, is formed by two stops combined:

Cornett III 4106
Sifflet 1' 0041

the parameters to be adjusted are these:

Cornett = volume -4, attack 1, character -3, rel. detune 1
Sifflet = volume -1, attack 1, character 0, rel. detune 2, air noise 0, harm noise -2

Then you need to work in the single levels, slightly detune the Sifflet 1 to produce a realistic effect, and increase the volume in the last two octaves to simulate what happens in the st breaks. ouen. You should also turn down the volume in the first two octaves.
You can simulate the progress of these values ​​from this screenshot:

Also for the cornett III it is necessary to simulate the levels like this screen shot:

(It is not important to copy it identical, it is sufficient that the trend of the values ​​is more or less like what I did).


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20.05.2020 22:45
avatar  Aeoline
#21 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Hi ahlborn,

you're the man!

Thanks for this new vision of sound. I will try this in the next couple of days. Since my Unico 400 offers 17 stops in the swell division I surely can "miss" one, if the Carillon is possible then.

Will I find both of the necessary stops in my Unico 400 DE?


Organisten leiden oft an einer schlimmen Krankheit: Augentinnitus - Man(n) sieht nur noch Pfeifen...

Viscount Unico 400 DE [V1.14.19] (56/III/P) : ab 11.2012
Johannus Opus 520 (45/II/P) : 10.1987-11.2012
Siel HB 700 (9/II/P) : 1977-09.1987)


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20.05.2020 22:55
avatar  ahlborn
#22 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Yes, you have this two stops into your organ.


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20.05.2020 22:57
avatar  Aeoline
#23 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“


Organisten leiden oft an einer schlimmen Krankheit: Augentinnitus - Man(n) sieht nur noch Pfeifen...

Viscount Unico 400 DE [V1.14.19] (56/III/P) : ab 11.2012
Johannus Opus 520 (45/II/P) : 10.1987-11.2012
Siel HB 700 (9/II/P) : 1977-09.1987)


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20.05.2020 22:58
avatar  PM
#24 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Hallo Aeoline, ich meinte Deine post. Die frage ist, wo finde ich die Originale aufnahmen? YouTube? CD? Oder irgendwo anderes?
Danke im voruas, PM

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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20.05.2020 23:08
avatar  Aeoline
#25 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Hallo PM,

der erste Link ist #9 dieser CD.

Der zweite Link ist ein Ausschnitt aus der DVD 2 der Cavaillé-Coll Dokumentation von Fugue State Films "Das Genie des Cavaillé-Coll"


Organisten leiden oft an einer schlimmen Krankheit: Augentinnitus - Man(n) sieht nur noch Pfeifen...

Viscount Unico 400 DE [V1.14.19] (56/III/P) : ab 11.2012
Johannus Opus 520 (45/II/P) : 10.1987-11.2012
Siel HB 700 (9/II/P) : 1977-09.1987)


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20.05.2020 23:20 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.05.2020 23:22)
avatar  ahlborn
#26 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Zitat von PM im Beitrag #18
Hi Aeoline (and ahlborn),

thanks for sharing this nice pieces of music, much appreciated. Indeed the sounds demonstrated by Gerald Brooks are very nice.

While listening I thought: even the sound of the 8-4-3-2 (Brooks) is beter here than I ever heard on a Physisorgan. Same goes for the Roth examples. May be its my fault, I'm still no professional intonateur, but also recordings on the web never heard this sound. Do you agree or am I missing something?

PS: that is not to say the Physis sound is bad. But, what already is said elsewhere if I'm right, that Physis never can be a copy of any existant organ (like Hauptwek or LiVE). It's an instument 'in itself' and 'only' intonations 'in the style of.....' can be made (please correct me if I'm wrong).

PS2: where does this two soundexamples come from? Especially the first is VERY nice in my ears, can you share the links?

Hi PM,
I personally think that it makes no sense to try to recreate an existing organ with any system (Physis, Hauptwerk, LiVE etc.).
Personally, even the Hauptwerk system does not convince me on other aspects, such as attack, release, acoustic perspective.

The demos by Daniel Roth and Brooks sound very good because ... it's a real recorded organ, with stops that blend "in the air".
The sampling of each individual pipe then causes some difficult problems. When you perform several simultaneous sampled notes, you create sums and subtractions of frequencies that do not exist in physical reality, and therefore it is very complex to recreate the exact same sound of an existing organ, because it will sound different live.
And even a CD recorded on a specific organ will sound different from the same organ sampled with Hauptwerk.
Let's not forget that the real organ ... is only with pipes!

However, I consider sampling systems like Hauptwerk as very high quality platform, which offer a really beautiful sound!


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21.05.2020 12:17 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 21.05.2020 12:18)
avatar  Aeoline
#27 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Inzwischen habe ich meine Intonation um das Carillon ergänzt und die Download-Dateien aktualisiert.

Höhere Werte im "Character" lassen die 1'-Pfeifenreihe dominanter werden. Daher finde ich "-1" als ausgeglichensten Wert. Die generelle Lautstärke habe ich auf "+6" gesetzt und in den hohen Oktaven sogar auf "+8".

Da ich zurzeit nur die interne Abstrahlung habe, sind diese Werte wohlmöglich sehr hoch und werden sicher reduziert, sobald mir die 12.1 externe Abstrahlung wieder zur Verfügung steht - in ein paar Wochen / Monaten...

My intonation meanwhile is complemented with the Carillon and the files are ready to download.

Higher values in "Character" end up in stronger sound of the 1'-rank. For my opinion, "-1" is the best balanced value. General Volume is set to "+6" and in high-level-octaves even to "+8".

Due to the fact, that current internal amplification is available for me only, these values may be very high and will be reduced if 12.1 external channels are back working again in a few weeks / months...


Organisten leiden oft an einer schlimmen Krankheit: Augentinnitus - Man(n) sieht nur noch Pfeifen...

Viscount Unico 400 DE [V1.14.19] (56/III/P) : ab 11.2012
Johannus Opus 520 (45/II/P) : 10.1987-11.2012
Siel HB 700 (9/II/P) : 1977-09.1987)


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21.05.2020 18:52
#28 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Bei mir*) steht das Carillon derzeit als Zweitmixtur im HW. Das Kornett musste leider weichen.

Meine Intonationsparameter für das Carillon:

Character: -1
Attack: 1
Rel.Detune: 2
Volume: -2

Mit der gewählten Lautstärke verschmilzt das Carillon wunderbar mit der Mixtur und bildet gemeinsam mit ihr eine vielchörige Klangkrone.
*) Bezogen auf ahlborns CC-Intonation bzw. meine daraus abgeleitete Reduktion für die zweimanualige Gloria Concerto 234.

Auf Orgelsuche.


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21.05.2020 19:39
avatar  ahlborn
#29 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

I had some time to further refine the combined Carillon IV.

Cornett 4106 = Volume -4; Attack 0; Character -2; Rel.detune 1;

Sifflett 0041 = Volume -1; Attack 0; Character +1; Rel.detune 3; Air. noise 0; Harm.noise -2

The pitch/volume levels of single note are those indicated in the two screens:




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21.05.2020 21:23
#30 RE: Orgelregister „Carillon“

Ich habe die von ahlborn übermittelten Daten spaßeshalber auch auf meine Orgel übertragen. Die dazugehörige Datei veröffentliche ich in gewohnter Weise im Schatzkästchen.
Nur so viel: Die Verstimmungen bei der Sifflet machen den Klang erst richtig würzig!
Das auf diese Art entstandene Carillon IV klingt völlig anders als die VCE Carillon III (die für mich immer noch einen eigenen Reiz besitzt!).

Mir kommt allerdings vor, dass die Sifflet gerne noch prinzipalischer sein dürfte; im letzten ist es ja doch ein Flötenregister ("-flet"), was man auch in hoher Fußtonlage noch hört.

Auf Orgelsuche.


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