neue Physis release: 1.14.15

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25.07.2020 01:09
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#1 neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Es gibt ein neue release:

Bug Fix:

- Improved communication with VPI (Viscount Pipe Interface), now working without (rare) activation delays
- now SHORT OCTAVE and KEYBOARD TOUCH settings follow the KEYBOARD INVERSION correctly

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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25.07.2020 09:13
#2 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Danke für die Info!

Auf Orgelsuche.


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25.07.2020 10:19 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.07.2020 10:22)
avatar  ahlborn
#3 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Good morning,
yes, the new firmware can be downloaded from the italian site.
They are small software corrections, in particular for custom versions.

As I wrote in another post, the new updates will probably concern small corrections: there will hardly be new big updates.
I also asked for information at the factory, and it has been confirmed to me that the engineers are actually working on a new Physis 2.0.
It is a new set of organs and at the moment what we can know is this:

1) The hardware has been totally redesigned.
2) the software has been totally redesigned for the new hardware.
3) the physical models have been totally redesigned for the new platform, to obtain unprecedented realism, and new possibilities.
4) Physis 2.0 has no backward compatibility with current Physis models. The hardware is totally different and therefore it is not possible to load the new Physis 2.0 voices on the current models.
These are totally new instruments.

For this reason I assume that the current Physis models will not undergo major software updates: the engineers are dedicating a lot of their time on the new models, given that the current models have software that is considered mature.

However, the engineers remain available to provide custom modifications and corrections (if anything needs to be corrected) to all current Physis 1.0 models.
In fact, I asked for some customized software changes to my Sonus 60, and they told me that these are possible. At the moment the factory is about to stop for summer holidays, but in September I will probably have the changes I asked for.

I'll keep you up-to-date!


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25.07.2020 10:24
#4 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Thank you, ahlborn. Sounds quite interesting and may be a reason for upgrading my good old Gloria Concerto by one of those new models.

Auf Orgelsuche.


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25.07.2020 10:28
#5 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Das deckt sich mit meinen Informationen. Mir wurde gesagt, dass der Prototyp von Physis 2.0 fertig entwickelt sei. Wie die Modellpalette dann aussieht, sei noch offen. Frühestens im kommenden Jahr werde sich da etwas tun. Wichtig dürfte die Information sein, dass das derzeitige Physis nicht auf das Abstellgleis geschoben wird, sondern weiter eine aktive Produktlinie bleibt.



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25.07.2020 10:29
#6 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Vermutlich wird das Preisniveau der Physis-1.0-Instrumente fallen, wenn die neuen erscheinen...

Auf Orgelsuche.


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25.07.2020 10:33
#7 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Bald gibt's ja wieder bei Aldi Spekulatius ...
Dann können wir uns alle mit einer Turnierpackung eindecken und kräftig drauflos futtern ...



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25.07.2020 10:50
#8 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

...ich sehe schon förmlich die Gehirnrädchen rotieren...

PLZ (erste zwei Ziffern): 69


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25.07.2020 12:29
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#9 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Ahlborn, many thanks for your information. Great news indeed.

Do you think it will be possible to replace the old hardware in the current Sonus (Gloria) models for the new hardware? Presumably the new hardware is 'only' the chips etcetera (i.e. the computer), not the speakers, drawnobs, manuals and so on. If the computer in the organ is build-in as a module, this should be relative simple.

If the price-performance rate is as good as in the current models I seriously would consider buying an upgrade or, in that case, even a new organ.

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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25.07.2020 14:11 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.07.2020 14:13)
avatar  ahlborn
#10 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Yes, the "old" Physis 1.0 line will still remain active even in the presence of the new Physis 2.0, at least for a certain period. However, hardware and software support will always be guaranteed even after the cessation of production of Physis 1.0.

In principle, for hardware upgrading, everything is possible, but costs have to be assessed. Even replacing the entire hardware group (motherboard and slave cards), we do not know how the new system is structured, so it is currently impossible to understand if it is possible to update the hardware of Physis 1.0 with 2.0.
Maybe there could be compatibility with the present commands (keyboards, tabs or draw knobs), but we don't even know if the new instruments have old tabs... if the new tabs have displays or e-papers to view the stops change using the various styles, the old tabs would certainly be incompatible.
Even for the internal amplification, it is not yet known how it will be designed, so it is difficult to understand if the old amplification will be compatible.

Many of these elements are still being evaluated in the production department, so we don't know if it will be possible to replace the old hardware with the new one.
What is certain, these are completely new redesigned organs...

I personally have a lot of curiosity to know what will be the news on the new organs, but I must also say that my current Physis instruments fully satisfy me for the study needs, so I will hardly buy a new organ!


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25.07.2020 15:24 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.07.2020 21:55)
#11 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Nach meinen Informationen besteht zwischen beiden Systemen keinerlei Kompatibilität. Die Architektur von Hardware und Software ist völlig unterschiedlich. Upgrades sind nicht möglich. Physis 2.0 ist auch nicht abwärtskompatibel. Man hat das Prinzip "physical modelling" offenbar völlig neu durchdacht und arbeitet mit ganz anderen Algorithmen.

Also erstmal abwarten, was das neue Physis mehr und besser kann als das alte. Und dann gibt es zwei Alternativen: Das alte Physis bis zum Ende der Fahnenstange ausreizen oder das Sparschwein schlachten und eine Physis-2.0-Orgel kaufen - die es frühestens in einem Jahr gibt ...




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25.07.2020 15:29
#12 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Mehr Klangqualität und OLED-Wippen - das sind schon zwei gewichtige Argumente.
Noch kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, wohin die Klangqualität noch entwickelt werden kann - aber die Neugier steigt.

Auf Orgelsuche.


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25.07.2020 16:04
avatar  mvn
#13 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Interessant...... interessant........ , da hat mein gegenwärtiger "Evaluationsdrang" gerade einen "Bremser" erhalten.

Natürlich gibt es Physis-Alternativen (z.T. bereits getestet) - aber diese Infos schaffen doch eine neue Ausgangslage für mich.

Fazit: ich genehmige mir erst mal ein Berner Oberländer - geniesse den herrlichen Sommerabend - und harre der Dinge, die da kommen werden.

Ich glaube, die Berner Langsamkeit bewährt sich einmal mehr......


2014 - 2020 Gloria Concerto 234 DLX
2020 - 2025 Gloria Concerto 350 Trend
2025 - ......... Johannus Studio 260


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25.07.2020 16:05
avatar  ahlborn
#14 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

I also doubt that we can update the old Physis hardware with the new one. As Michael wrote, they are two totally different platforms. Without knowing the details of the new Physis 2.0, one cannot know what should be changed.
Assuming that you need to change all the hardware including amplifiers, reusing only the wooden cabinet, the operation would prove very expensive, and with questionable results. It would be better to sell the old organ and buy a new one, with all the advantages (quality control, guarantee, assistance, etc.).
If instead is sufficient to replace only the motherboard with the slave cards - assuming that the amplification and speakers, connectors for keyboards, tabs, controls, etc. are identical and compatible to Physis 1.0 -, the intervention would be theoretically possible, being able to reuse a part of hardware. But personally, I think it's impossible.


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25.07.2020 16:23
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#15 RE: neue Physis release: 1.14.15

Thanks Ahlborn and Wichernkantor for your thorough explanations. We'll have to wait. To be sure, I'm also satisfied with my current Physis 235 alias P45. But as I stated earlier, if the Physis 2.0 delivers significant better sound quality, beter intonation possibilities (although these are indeed very good already), the possibility to save an organstyle including the .set and .cmb parameters, Oled displays or something like that, for a reliable price, I seriously would consider buying one.

Vielen Dank an Ahlborn und Wichernkantor für Ihre ausführlichen Erklärungen. Wir müssen warten. Ich bin mit meinem aktuellen Physis 235 alias ​​P45 ziemlich zufrieden. Aber wie ich bereits sagte, wenn der Physis 2.0 eine deutlich bessere Klangqualität bietet, bessere Intonationsmöglichkeiten (obwohl diese in der Tat bereits sehr gut sind), die Möglichkeit, einen Orgelstyle zu speichern einschließlich der Parameter .set und .cmb, Oled-Displays oder ähnliches hat, usw: für einen verlässlichen Preis würde ich ernsthaft in Betracht ziehen, eine zu kaufen.

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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