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Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
I add another information that may be useful: I bought my Sonus 60 with TP60LF "ivory feel" keyboards (the same are also used in current Rodgers models)
Unfortunately, the composition of the plastic of these keyboards turned out to be not optimal. While initially the keyboards had a very comfortable surface and texture, with use the surface is deteriorating, becoming excessively rough.
In comparison, the plastic used in the Viscount keyboards is much much better (I know 15-year-old instruments used regularly and the keyboards are as good as new).
So, if you order these keyboards with an ivory feel surface, consider that after a few months they could "wear out" and become uncomfortably rough.
#32 RE: Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #31
I add another information that may be useful: I bought my Sonus 60 with TP60LF "ivory feel" keyboards (the same are also used in current Rodgers models)
Unfortunately, the composition of the plastic of these keyboards turned out to be not optimal. While initially the keyboards had a very comfortable surface and texture, with use the surface is deteriorating, becoming excessively rough.
In comparison, the plastic used in the Viscount keyboards is much much better (I know 15-year-old instruments used regularly and the keyboards are as good as new).
So, if you order these keyboards with an ivory feel surface, consider that after a few months they could "wear out" and become uncomfortably rough.
That is valuable information, thanks. Meanwhile, wooden keyboards can wear out over time, too. At my instrument, i definitely notice some grooves in the keys around middle c that are used most often. No big surprise after over 20 years, of course, but you can see it clearly, and sometimes feel it while playing. So i would expect TP65LW or AWK to show similar signs of wear, too, after some time.
#33 RE: Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
Was mich noch interessieren würde (momentan allerdings nur hypothetisch), ist, ob es grundsätzlich möglich wäre, in Johannus-basierte Orgeln wie die Nobilis auch AWK-Klaviaturen einzubauen.
Ich sehe auf der Website, dass sie UHT-Lösungen anbieten, d.h. sie sind technisch nicht auf ihre eigenen bzw. Fatar festgelegt. Rein vom Gefühl her würde ich vermuten, dass die AWK und eine UHT sich geometrisch nicht allzusehr unterscheiden; eher nimmt die AWK noch etwas weniger Platz weg, weil die langen Spiralfedern oberhalb entfallen.
Vielleicht ist die Frage aber, ob das politisch möglich ist. UHT ist kein Konkurrent von Johannus, Viscount dagegen schon. Hat das schonmal jemand gefragt?
Ich weiß allerdings auch nicht, ob Viscount die AWK überhaupt einzeln (ohne dran gehängte Orgel) verkauft, und was das für den Preis bedeuten würde. Es ist natürlich klar, dass jeder Sonderwunsch die Sache teurer macht.
#34 RE: Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
As far as I know, the AWK keyboards are an original product of Luca Panetti, who sells these keyboards individually as "Schwindler". I don't know if Viscount builds them under license or bought the patent.
On this site you can see some finishing examples:
The models built by Panetti have the possibility of many customizations (materials, shape of the keys, etc.), but the operating principle is identical (double magnet for each key) for all variants.
I suppose Johannus could also supply the Schwindler keyboards bought by Panetti in his organs, but I'm not sure...
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #34
As far as I know, the AWK keyboards are an original product of Luca Panetti and Fabio Mancini, who sells these keyboards individually as "Schwindler". I don't know if Viscount builds them under license or bought the patent.
The models built by Panetti have the possibility of many customizations (materials, shape of the keys, etc.), but the operating principle is identical (double magnet for each key) for all variants.
I suppose Johannus could also supply the Schwindler keyboards bought by Panetti in his organs, but I'm not sure...
They are built by Panetti. Both of my instruments have a special customization drawn from Panetti’s (Mancini’s website) catalogue
#36 RE: Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
#37 RE: Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
In the description, is mentioned Luca Panetti:
#39 RE: Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
Indeed, but i still maintain that (at least to me)
The AWK keyboard has been designed in cooperation with Luca Panetti, who has a long and distinguished career studying physical behavior, design and construction of organ keyboards. The AWK is an exclusive product of VISCOUNT INTERNATIONAL S.p.A..
rather sounds like Viscount hired Panetti as a consultant while developing AWK (in-house). If Mr. Panetti hasn't objected to that wording, it should fine for the rest of us, of course.
For the customers, things like availability and price are more important than who actually came up with the idea/design. From what I have read up to now, the keyboards are very good, so I will ask the organ dealer when things become serious (which is still quite some time away).
#40 RE: Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
Zitat von Regal acht im Beitrag #39
For the customers, things like availability and price are more important than who actually came up with the idea/design. From what I have read up to now, the keyboards are very good, so I will ask the organ dealer when things become serious (which is still quite some time away).
Bei Mixtuur und Pausch kannst du die Schwindler SK-Klaviaturen bekommen, daher würde ich vermuten, dass Johannus prinzipiell auch darauf zurückgreifen kann. Interessant wäre zu wissen, ob es nennenswerte Unterschiede zwischen Schwindler SK und Viscount AWK gibt (ähnlich Fatar TP8 vs. Viscount Standardklaviaturen mit anderer Gewichtung etc.).
Viele Grüße
#41 RE: Verkaufe Gloria Concerto 350
I don't know if there are qualitative differences between AWK and Schwindler.
Surely the AWKs benefit from a construction performed with CNC machines that Viscount has available, which offer very high cutting precision and always constant quality even for large production volumes.
Maybe Schwindlers, with more limited production, are handcrafted without the aid of CNC machines (but that's just my guess), which doesn't mean it's bad. I also believe UHTs are totally handcrafted and their very high quality is undisputed.
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