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...Mal etwas von "Content"...
#16 RE: ... Something from "content"...
#17 RE: ... Something from "content"...
Mich begeistern immer die hervorragenden gearbeiteten Gehäuse. Leider steht der Klang immer im Widerspruch dazu. Ich denke da noch an die beeindruckende 4 manualige Concerto die wir vor ein paar Jahren gesehen haben. Auch da schon konnte mich der Klang nicht überzeugen. Vielleicht beschäftigen sie sich im Moment mehr mit den HW Spieltischen und die Entwicklung der eigenen Klangerzeugung hinkt hinter her.
Zitat von Gemshorn im Beitrag #15Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #13I would like to do that. However, I could imagine that the "forial basic tendency" does not necessarily make us favorite guests with content...
Let's go to content's lab and rock them! This could be the next exciting mission impossible! ...although we don't look much like Tom Cruise :( ....
Vertical feedback is pure blessing for a clever and ambitious company. I would not just list what I personally do not like (which is not a real feedback). I would be interested to understand where is the audio bottleneck that causes such a sticky sound. I am sure that samples are ok, and something goes wrong between the core dry sound and the speakers (as usual...)
#19 RE: ... Something from "content"...
Zitat von SaintSernin im Beitrag #17
I am always enthusiastic about the excellent worked housings. Unfortunately, the sound always contradicts this. I am still thinking of the impressive 4 manual concerto that we saw a few years ago. Even then, the sound could not convince me. Maybe they are more concerned with the HW game tables at the moment and the development of their own sound generation is lagging behind.
True, their consoles are the best on the market (Allen aside, but that's in a totally different price league).
Investing in hauptwerk consoles is a very short-sighted strategy because there is nothing special in manufacturing an hauptwerk console. There is no chance of setting up a "unique selling proposition" because anybody can do it, even the carpenter of the village. It's like Viscount Hymmersive, a trend-following late product which shows the commercial weakness and fears of a company. It is as if Hugo Boss would start producing the hangers for Tommy Hilfiger's jackets!
#20 RE: ... Something from "content"...
When I hear about Allen, I always try to refrain from commenting, because I know that often (with the wrong interlocutors) I am highly critical. (As some of you may know, not in this forum, but in another American).
Paolo, I have seen Allen's consoles, both old and recent models.
No, in my opinion they don't have any "better" construction features than other companies. Their Historique series is constructively no better than the Sonus series with real wood veneer. And their GX series is constructively no better than the Unico 300-700 series. I take Viscount organs as a comparison because they are the ones I know personally (they could also hold a candle to Ahlborn's Hymnus series, which however is a company that no longer produces).
Allen's fame as a builder of "solid" consoles was born in the 1970s, when other companies (Viscount, Gem, Johannus, Eminent etc.) mostly built small and certainly cheaper instruments, destined for a market other than the American one.
Over the years, the production of these companies has undergone significant changes, and today these companies are perfectly capable of building high-level consoles that have nothing to envy to Allen.
Indeed, on some aspects, even better than Allen (you can see certain construction details of pedalboard and furniture).
On an electronic and digital level, Physis is light years ahead of Allen.
I have seen the last Allen console some 15 years ago and it was really on another level. It could be, as you say, that over the years things changed. At that time the keyboards were exactly those used in electric pipe organs, long levers made of solid wood. The outer case was solid wood, except internal parts made of thick plywood. Now, my Sonus 60 deluxe is way away from that building standard, and so is my Unico.
Before buying Viscount I had a Content console that I used for Hauptwerk and many parts were in solid wood, not laminated.
Allen now mainly uses Fatar TP8 keyboards as a standard, reserving their "premium" keyboards on demand for a hefty surcharge.
And on their small organs (Historique, etc.) similar materials to the Sonus series are used.
The Unico 300/700 series is on another level: very thick solid woods, craftsmanship, solid construction. Not inferior to the more expensive Allen organs.
I never heard about the "Historique" model, so I started a research on the internet.
What I found was this:
including the most customer-friendly message: "Contact Allen for more information about the Historique I"...
Why, please: Why can't they simply provide their information on their website?
Anderswo findet man mindestens die Hochglanzbroschüre:
Zitat von Gemshorn im Beitrag #24
Anderswo findet man mindestens die Hochglanzbroschüre:
this "historique" model is really ugly :(
#26 RE: ... Something from "content"...
#28 RE: ... Something from "content"...
Yes, the technology used (Renaissance) is based on very short samples, plus some hardware controls to introduce a random jitter that simulates wind instability (the same system that Ahlborn used in the Hymnus and SL models since 1994).
There are very few samples spread across the entire keyboard.
This year Allen unveiled a new sound generation system called Apex, and at least from the sound examples it looks better than the old Renaissance technology. But in any case this Apex is reserved only for larger instruments.
Smaller organs continue to be built with older technology (and even with an absolutely ridiculous internal sound system).
And above all, with "cheap grade" quality furniture.
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