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Hands on Physis Plus!
#61 RE: Hands on Physis Plus!
Deine interessante Antwort klang so, als würdest Du dazu noch mehr wissen. Dann werde ich mal weiterhin hoffen, dass es irgendwann einen solchen Expander in einer bezahlbaren Version geben wird. (Ich meine übrigens zu erinnern, dass Viscount vor sehr langer Zeit mal sagte, es werde einen Nachfolger für den CM geben. Aber ich kann mich auch irren.)
#62 RE: Hands on Physis Plus!
I think that expanders are a thing of the past, the hardware is too restrictive. The smartest thing that Viscount could do is to come up with Physis software. This will fuel customer retention because, those with recent instruments will love to update them, those with very old instruments will still consider to buy a new organ from Viscount and rely on future release of the software to keep the machine updated.
The idea would be great, but I have no idea how feasible it is.
Presumably it is specific software (regardless of whether it is Linux based) for a custom designed hardware platform.
If it had been possible to easily adapt it to a commercial informatic platform, perhaps they already would have done it.. (as for Hymmersive).
They probably still need specific DSPs instead of an Intel/Apple CPU.
Is there any chance that physis+ can be built into an existing organ? That means, Old physis modules out, new physis+ modules in, but the organ case and audio remains in place?
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #63
The idea would be great, but I have no idea how feasible it is.
Presumably it is specific software (regardless of whether it is Linux based) for a custom designed hardware platform.
If it had been possible to easily adapt it to a commercial informatic platform, perhaps they already would have done it.. (as for Hymmersive).
They probably still need specific DSPs instead of an Intel/Apple CPU.
never say never
Zitat von PM im Beitrag #64
Is there any chance that physis+ can be built into an existing organ? That means, Old physis modules out, new physis+ modules in, but the organ case and audio remains in place?
From a purely theoretical point of view it is possible. However, at what price should this option be sold? How and who will make the transformation and how much all this labour should cost?
#68 RE: Hands on Physis Plus!
Das habe ich mich auch schon gefragt. Auch wenn es die Ouverture weiterhin gibt, was ändert sich? Hauptplatine alleine wäre vermutlich kein Problem. Die Peripherieanschlüsse werden gleich bleiben. Aber: Andere Verstärkereinheit, andere Boxerie, anderes Connection-Board. D.h., man müsste sich, wenn die ganzen Boards austauschbar sind, mit der bisherigen Boxerie und Verstärker begnügen, sofern der Verstärker nicht auch mit dieser funktioniert.
Wenn jetzt aber noch andere Pistons, ev. Zugregister für Superkoppeln etc. hinzukommt, wird das Kraut mal richtig fett... Ich würde mir solch einen Umbau sogar zutrauen, glaube aber nicht, daß das von Herstellerseite gewünscht ist.
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #63
The idea would be great, but I have no idea how feasible it is.
Presumably it is specific software (regardless of whether it is Linux based) for a custom designed hardware platform.
If it had been possible to easily adapt it to a commercial informatic platform, perhaps they already would have done it.. (as for Hymmersive).
They probably still need specific DSPs instead of an Intel/Apple CPU.
I can't find the reference right now, but I remember reading the Domus Positive having 3 and Opera having 5 additional slots for DSP boards (with up to 4 DSP chips per board). That is a fairly gianormous sound processing capability--it seems unlikely to be modularized in the near future. With that hardware, the software interface between it and the physical modeling code seems like it could only be highly custom--no off-the-shelf solutions for that either. Retrofitting older instruments currently seem like a very expensive proposition.
Zitat von live3TA im Beitrag #69
I can't find the reference right now, but I remember reading the Domus Positive having 3 and Opera having 5 additional slots for DSP boards (with up to 4 DSP chips per board). That is a fairly gianormous sound processing capability--it seems unlikely to be modularized in the near future. With that hardware, the software interface between it and the physical modeling code seems like it could only be highly custom--no off-the-shelf solutions for that either. Retrofitting older instruments currently seem like a very expensive proposition.
The motherboard has five DSP slots for all the models, the Opera 400/450 uses 3 slots out of 5.
btw, you should see how small is the orchestra board now. It looks, to the naked eye, 1/4 of the previous one
If there is an orchestral board those sounds are probably still based on sampling..
But it could also contain "tracker" noises. Nothing prevents these noises from being sampled rather than modeled. Did you ask for information?
Do you know if the orchestra board also contains percussion organ sounds? Zimbelstern, but also tubular bells, chrysoglott, etc.?
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #71
But it could also contain "tracker" noises. Nothing prevents these noises from being sampled rather than modeled. Did you ask for information?
I am not sure they are sampled because they are responsive to the keyboard velocity
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #71
Do you know if the orchestra board also contains percussion organ sounds? Zimbelstern, but also tubular bells, chrysoglott, etc.?
Forgot to ask, sorry :(
No no, apologies are not accepted: now you have to buy the Opera 450 right away and answer all our questions!
Other orchestral sounds also respond to dynamics (unless you set a "fixed" value in the keyboards configuration menu), so tracker noises may still be sampled, but that makes no difference to quality.. just a "academic" curiosity..
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #73
No no, apologies are not accepted: now you have to buy the Opera 450 right away and answer all our questions!
I need the DANTE interface and it is not currently available!!!
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #73
Other orchestral sounds also respond to dynamics (unless you set a "fixed" value in the keyboards configuration menu), so tracker noises may still be sampled, but that makes no difference to quality.. just a "academic" curiosity..
True, I did not check if the tracker noises were louder and softer with velocity or if other sound parametres where involved. I just tell you that when I heard the Barker noise I immediately switched it off. Years of research and efforts in organbuilding to remove all these noises and now, here we go with all the noises of all trackers in the world!
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