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Fatar keyboards (AWK keyboards also use Fatar contacts), have two contacts for each key. The first contact closes at about 2mm of pressure, and the second at about 4mm. The difference in time that elapses between the first and second contacts generates the information for managing the dynamics (both for organ voices tracker touch function, and for orchestral voices).
In the Utility/Midi menu, you can choose to set the dynamic curve for each keyboard (hard, normal, light) or set a fixed value (you can choose a fixed velocity value that can be set).
If a dynamic curve is set, the contact point is approximately 4 mm (second contact),
if a fixed value is set, the contact point is 2mm.
You can check it out yourself. With the dynamic curve is set the key starts to play at half position, while with a fixed value the key sounds after only 2mm of position.
Of course, by setting a fixed value, the touch tracker function is deactivated, and the attack transient is influenced by the velocity set value.
This means that by setting a maximum value, the stops will have a maximum attack value (maximun value manually set in "Attack"), while a minimum value will correspond to a minimum attack. Intermediate values can be chosen to obtain a response to the personal touch, it can be useful when you want to imitate a specific pneumatic or electric organ.
In summary:
Dynamic curve set (indifferently Hard, Normal, Light), = pressure point 4mm
Fixed key velocity (any value) = pressure point 2mm (the velocity value affect Attack parameter).
If you want to imitate a mechanical tracker organ, you must necessarily set a dynamic curve, so the key point is 4mm.
But if you want to imitate a pneumatic or electric organ, you have two options:
Set a dynamic curve and Tracker touch function "Off" = 4mm
Set a fixed key velocity value and tracker touch function "On" = 2mm (the velocity key value allows to indirectly adjust the "Attack" parameter).
#5 RE: Viscount-Klaviaturen
#7 RE: Viscount-Klaviaturen
Ja, die Option Tracker Touch wird im Physis-Handbuch zwar aufgeführt, eine Erläuterung der Optionen fehlt jedoch:
TRACKER TOUCH: Einsatz des charakteristischen mechanischen Touch der Pfeifenorgeln, der die
Anschwellzeiten der Zungenregister und die Abschwellzeiten aller Stimmentypologien beeinflusst.
TRACKER TOUCH: simulates the typical tracker touch of mechanical organs that affects the attack
times. Attack time is delayed on flue pipes only, release is delayed on all stops.
TRACKER TOUCH: permette di utilizzare il caratteristico tocco meccanico degli organi a canne cheinfluisce sui tempi e sonorità di attacco dei registri labiali.
Und es gibt auch noch einen inhaltlichen Widerspruch: Bei deutschen Orgeln werden die Zungenregister beeinflusst, bei englischen und italienischen die labialen Register.
Yes, I think it's a mistake while writing the manual.
In reality the reed stops and the compound mutations (mixturen, cornets, etc.) are insensitive to the tracker touch; on these stops it is possible to statically adjust the speed attack using the "Attack" parameter.
This is same for all national versions..
#9 RE: Viscount-Klaviaturen
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #3
In summary:
Dynamic curve set (indifferently Hard, Normal, Light), = pressure point 4mm
Fixed key velocity (any value) = pressure point 2mm (the velocity value affect Attack parameter).
Many many thanks for this information. The pressure point was for me always to deep for good playing the ornaments. I tried it and now it´s a much more realistic feeling in my opinion.
Yes, dynamic attack is "indirectly" disabled, but ... not entirely. In fact, even setting a fixed key velocity value, the repeated notes are never identical, because what happens in the pipe foot is simulated: when a note is repeated, air remains in the pipe foot, and the attack transient is modified even without the key velocity information..
Diese sehr differenzierten Einstellmöglichkeiten sind toll - aber ich fühle mich gerade überfordert.
Habe es eben an meiner Gloria Concerto ausprobiert, die Effekte sind gut hörbar. Nur: Welche Einstellung soll ich nehmen? An sich gefällt mir der 2mm-Punkt besser als der 4mm-Punkt, aber welche Velocity ist "richtig"?
#13 RE: Viscount-Klaviaturen
Zitat von Gemshorn im Beitrag #10
... womit aber das Gefühl einer mechanischen Traktur wegfällt, wenn ich ahlborn richtig verstanden habe.
Das habe ich auch so verstanden, aber es fühlt sich für mich persönlich so nicht an. Es liegt wohl einfach daran, dass ich es bei den mechanischen Orgeln mit denen ich zu tun habe gewohnt bin, dass die Auslösung sehr weit oben bereits geschieht und der Rest des Tastenweges im Prinzip ein "toter Weg" ist. Ich kann jetzt viel mehr mit dem Gefühl einer echten Mechanik spielen, weil es gerade bei Läufen und Ornamenten doch sehr starke Auswirkung aufs Spiel hat, wo genau die Taste auslöst. Das war für mich bislang immer irgendwo ein Manko an meiner DO und ist jetzt sehr stark verbessert für mein Empfinden
There is no universal solution, because each type of organ has keyboards with a different opening point.
Generally on small mechanical tracker organs the pallet opening point is high (very sensitive), while on certain pneumatic organs the opening point is low, so the 4mm option could be correct. But there are also pneumatic or electric organs with a fairly high opening point..
However, since you can configure each keyboard separately, you can also imitate what happens for example in the Cavaille Coll organs. In these instruments, it can happen that one or two keyboards (for example, Recit or Positif) have a very high opening point (mechanical action), while a keyboard can have Barker levers (G.O.), and therefore create a lower opening point..
...and this may also be true for the keyboards of a large mechanical organ. The Positive can have a very high opening point while the Great can have a lower opening point (because the couplers must also engage).
You can then try setting Positiv and Swell with 2mm, and Great with 4mm. The results can be interesting.
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