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05.11.2021 10:46
avatar  Aeoline
#16 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."

Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #15
...Today there is no need to buy some external reverb hardware because software plugins offer more processing power and customisation features. They come at a very cheap price and can be run on any pc. You just need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and there is plenty of that on the market for little money ;)

Hi Paolo,

I would like to ask you for a small workshop around our next Forumstreffen to explain this to our Physis-Community. The way how "reverb" is produced seems to be the magnificent difference between your Sonus and our instruments. Since I've heard the "real reverb" that comes with Hauptwerk samplesets, I am very very disappointed over the build-in reverb of my Unico.


Organisten leiden oft an einer schlimmen Krankheit: Augentinnitus - Man(n) sieht nur noch Pfeifen...

Viscount Unico 400 DE [V1.14.19] (56/III/P) : ab 11.2012
Johannus Opus 520 (45/II/P) : 10.1987-11.2012
Siel HB 700 (9/II/P) : 1977-09.1987)


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05.11.2021 10:52
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#17 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von Aeoline im Beitrag #16
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #15
...Today there is no need to buy some external reverb hardware because software plugins offer more processing power and customisation features. They come at a very cheap price and can be run on any pc. You just need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and there is plenty of that on the market for little money ;)

Hi Paolo,

I would like to ask you for a small workshop around our next Forumstreffen to explain this to our Physis-Community. The way how "reverb" is produced seems to be the magnificent difference between your Sonus and our instruments. Since I've heard the "real reverb" that comes with Hauptwerk samplesets, I am very very disappointed over the build-in reverb of my Unico.


We can certainly do it! It is however important that I can show you how to connect the organ to the audio card and to the laptop and then explain the reverb settings, because I am sure that there will be a lot of questions around the whole issue. I understand that during our next meeting it will be all about pipe organs, with no access to digitals though...




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05.11.2021 11:08
avatar  Aeoline
#18 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."

Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #17
...We can certainly do it! It is however important that I can show you how to connect the organ to the audio card and to the laptop and then explain the reverb settings, because I am sure that there will be a lot of questions around the whole issue. I understand that during our next meeting it will be all about pipe organs, with no access to digitals though...

Yes. That is the reason why I did not ask you for a workshop within our forum. I think, this features should be explained in live. To many questions will occure.

Our next (estimated) Forumstreffen is planned around ascension day 2022 and again you're right - there is no plan to visit any digital organ dealer so far.

So this may be the perfect stage to explain this to us on one of the evenings. I guess two things are necessary: Somebody brings his Cantorum single, duo, trio and you are present at the Forumstreffen.

I think, this would find a great number of interested people in the audiance...

Me - for example...


Organisten leiden oft an einer schlimmen Krankheit: Augentinnitus - Man(n) sieht nur noch Pfeifen...

Viscount Unico 400 DE [V1.14.19] (56/III/P) : ab 11.2012
Johannus Opus 520 (45/II/P) : 10.1987-11.2012
Siel HB 700 (9/II/P) : 1977-09.1987)


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05.11.2021 11:36
#19 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."


"Me too!"

(Cantorum Duo könnte ich evtl. mitbringen...)

Viele Grüße

PLZ (erste zwei Ziffern): 69


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05.11.2021 11:41
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#20 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von Canticus im Beitrag #19

"Me too!"

(Cantorum Duo könnte ich evtl. mitbringen...)

Viele Grüße

It does not work with the cantorum, I need the routing features of Physis outputs.


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05.11.2021 11:50
#21 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."

Would it perhaps be working with a Accupipe CM 100?



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05.11.2021 11:58 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 05.11.2021 11:58)
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#22 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."ese
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von Wichernkantor im Beitrag #21
Would it perhaps be working with a Accupipe CM 100?


I have never seen one, does it have routing capabilities in poly mode?

These are the requirements:

4 external outputs
Poly 2 mode
Routing capability: 2 channels on 1+2, 2 channels on 3+4

My system is routed over 8 channels, but that’s not essential for an already very good result ;)


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05.11.2021 12:15
#23 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."ese

Das dachte ich mir schon, daß das mit einem "Cantorum Duo" nicht funktioniert! Ist ja keine Physis-Technik!

Mit einem "Accupipe 100" könnte ich auch dienen!

Der wäre auch viel einfacher zu transportieren...

Viele Grüße

PLZ (erste zwei Ziffern): 69


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06.11.2021 11:53
avatar  PM
#24 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."ese

Zitat von Aeoline im Beitrag #16
Hi Paolo,

I would like to ask you for a small workshop around our next Forumstreffen to explain this to our Physis-Community.
Perhaps with an instruction video it is possible to demonstrate the connection with external reverb? I realize that this might be a rather big effort, so it would be nice if you can do it - but not at the cost of too much effort.

It's a pity Viscount does not provide an instruction manual to do this.

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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06.11.2021 11:59
avatar  PM
#25 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."

Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #15
To reduce it, you are intuitively applying a low pass filter which solves one problem and creates two: you lose airiness and stop transparency, and that is really a pity :(
Hi Paolo, I'm aware of this. Mostly I play with little reverb (and the 'capella' setting with is the best in my opinion / may be due to my room). But sometimes I want to play like in a cathedral, then I lower the high frequencies.

Thx for your kind answer!

Regards, PM

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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06.11.2021 12:13
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#26 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von PM im Beitrag #25
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #15
To reduce it, you are intuitively applying a low pass filter which solves one problem and creates two: you lose airiness and stop transparency, and that is really a pity :(
Hi Paolo, I'm aware of this. Mostly I play with little reverb (and the 'capella' setting with is the best in my opinion / may be due to my room). But sometimes I want to play like in a cathedral, then I lower the high frequencies.

Thx for your kind answer!

Regards, PM

That's absolutely true! Before using the external reverb unit, I was always playing with the Cappella Reverb! :D


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06.11.2021 12:18
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#27 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."ese
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von PM im Beitrag #24
Zitat von Aeoline im Beitrag #16
Hi Paolo,

I would like to ask you for a small workshop around our next Forumstreffen to explain this to our Physis-Community.
Perhaps with an instruction video it is possible to demonstrate the connection with external reverb? I realize that this might be a rather big effort, so it would be nice if you can do it - but not at the cost of too much effort.

It's a pity Viscount does not provide an instruction manual to do this.

I have received, in the past months, many request for tutorial videos. The only reason why I am not doing it is that I have invested hundreds of hours of research, and spent a lot of money for audio equipments and other stuff, that I do not want those who make money out of this business to take advantage of my findings. I am very open to explain this to friends and other people who are passionate about digital organs. For the rest, those who are paid to develop better instruments should do their job. Or maybe they should pay me to know how to do it.

I hope this does not sound too pretentious.


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06.11.2021 12:40
#28 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."ese

Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #27

I have received, in the past months, many request for tutorial videos. The only reason why I am not doing it is that I have invested hundreds of hours of research, and spent a lot of money for audio equipments and other stuff, that I do not want those who make money out of this business to take advantage of my findings.

If there's money to be made, "first patent, then publish" seems like a sensible approach. And pulling off a convincing reverb system is obviously non-trivial, and much more innovative than "let's build phones with rounded corners, they look nicer that way".
I agree that a company should pay good money for that and not try to get at that kind of innovation for free.
It's nice of you that you're prepared to share pointers with the forum =)


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06.11.2021 13:18
avatar  PM
#29 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."ese


Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #27
that I do not want those who make money out of this business to take advantage of my findings.
Hi Paolo, I perfectly understand this. You are right. And you have already shared much of your knowledge.

Btw, your post does not sound pretentious, because your posts and video's clearly demonstrate your skills and knowledge.

Regards, PM

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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08.11.2021 10:40
avatar  Flauten
#30 RE: "Who has ears to hear..."ese

Ich möchte mich PM voll und ganz anschließen:
Vielen herzlichen Dank an DigitalPipes und ahlborn, die uns hier mit dermaßen viel Informationen und Wissen versorgen, dass beide wohl mit unendlich viel Mühen und Zeit gewonnen haben! Man kann die Großzügigkeit und die Professionalität dieser beiden Herren gar nicht hoch genug einschätzen . . .
Mich beflügeln diese Beiträge ungemein, mein eigenes Instrument zu perfektionieren - und meine Lust auf Physis 2.0 sinkt parallel dazu . . .
Und es tut ungemein gut, wenn man hier liest, dass auch andere Nutzer bestimmte Dinge, wie etwa die Qualität des Halls, ähnlich beurteilen, wie man selbst.
Und es tut mir ein bisschen weh, wenn ich sehe, was das momentane Physis eigentlich leisten könnte, wenn man beispielsweise einfach den eigenen Raum akustisch einmessen könnte, um dann die Klangabstrahlung darauf hin zu optimieren . . . Welch vertane Chance seitens des Herstellers und der Händler!!!
Aber nochmals: Wirklich ganz herzlichen Dank an die Forianer, die hier unentgeltlich ihr Wissen hier kundtun und uns helfen, unsere Instrumente zu optimieren!!!

Mit herzlichem Gruß



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