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"Wer Ohren hat zu hören"...
Wieder ein großartiges Video unseres Neu-Forianers:
Hört selbst!
Viele Grüße
02.11.2021 06:16
#2 RE: "Wer Ohren hat zu hören"...
02.11.2021 15:42
#3 RE: "Wer Ohren hat zu hören"...
04.11.2021 22:37
#11 RE: "Wer Ohren hat zu hören"...
Zitat von Canticus im Beitrag #1
Wieder ein großartiges Video unseres Neu-Forianers:
Hört selbst!
Well played Paolo!
- - -
Cavaille-Coll St. Sernin / Toulouse - oder so was in der Richtung... ;-)
Gloria Concerto 469 CC - 2021
Cavaille-Coll St. Sernin / Toulouse - oder so was in der Richtung... ;-)
Gloria Concerto 469 CC - 2021
Zitat von PM im Beitrag #10
[quote=""|p59898]Incredibly beautiful music, incredibly beautiful intonation! Bravo![ /quote]100% approval. And VERY well played! Digital pipes, do you have the Physis .txt file and other parameters, and if so, would you share them? Regards, PM
Sure! I uploaded the .txt file only because the system does not allow me to upload the .sty. Does anybody know why?
- Digital3-Voicing Parameters.txt
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Zitat von Frankfudde_Bub im Beitrag #11Zitat von Canticus im Beitrag #1
Wieder ein großartiges Video unseres Neu-Forianers:
Hört selbst!
Well played Paolo!And again a very compelling recording. You don‘t need the next Physis version and it’s holy smoke, it‘s already perfect :-)
Thanks Stephan! I am sure I can make it even better, need to work a little on the overall transparency ;)
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #12Thanks very much!
Sure! I uploaded the .txt file only because the system does not allow me to upload the .sty.
I don't know why the system does not allow a .sty, but I think the .txt is far more usefull, because if one does not have a Sonus 60, the voices from the .sty might become replaced with other voices in the 'goal'organ.
I have a modified P235 (if you are interested, look here:, so I have to look at your .txt to see if I have the same voices in my organ and to adjust the parameters.
Furthermore, Tracker touch=on, Ped/KeyTouch=soft, Air supply=romantic (intensity=4), Ensemble=5, Airpress=-6. Do you think these settings are appropriate for your romantic intonation?
In another thread I read you have external reverb, I do not have it. The standard 'in-organ' reverbs tend to become harsh so I with the equalizer I have set the high frequencies low. The reverb sound better that way - of course I understand this is very dependent on the room where the organ is located.
Regards, PM
Zitat von PM im Beitrag #14Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #12Thanks very much!
Sure! I uploaded the .txt file only because the system does not allow me to upload the .sty..
I don't know why the system does not allow a .sty, but I think the .txt is far more usefull, because if one does not have a Sonus 60, the voices from the .sty might become replaced with other voices in the 'goal'organ.
I have a modified P235 (if you are interested, look here:, so I have to look at your .txt to see if I have the same voices in my organ and to adjust the parameters.
Furthermore, Tracker touch=on, Ped/KeyTouch=soft, Air supply=romantic (intensity=4), Ensemble=5, Airpress=-6. Do you think these settings are appropriate for your romantic intonation?
In another thread I read you have external reverb, I do not have it. The standard 'in-organ' reverbs tend to become harsh so I with the equalizer I have set the high frequencies low. The reverb sound better that way - of course I understand this is very dependent on the room where the organ is located.
Regards, PM
Hi PM, the general setting of the organ is ok, I use the same one.
The reverb is one of the weakest point of these instruments; what you perceive as "harsh" is the metallic ringing produced by a very old fashioned algorhythic reverb. To reduce it, you are intuitively applying a low pass filter which solves one problem and creates two: you lose airiness and stop transparency, and that is really a pity :(
Today there is no need to buy some external reverb hardware because software plugins offer more processing power and customisation features. They come at a very cheap price and can be run on any pc. You just need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and there is plenty of that on the market for little money ;)
Ciao Paolo
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