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Physis Service Menu
#1 Physis Service Menu
Dear all,
some days ago, while I was adjusting the voicing of my P35, I have somehow triggered the menu in the attached picture.
IMG_2803.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
The organ was connected to the editor and therefore the menu was not operative. I wonder if anyone else has ever seen it and knows what it is for.
I suppose Ahlborn can chime in and enlighten us? :)
I think this must be one of those cases when you unconsciously click a combination of buttons and a secret thing appears
After I disconnected the editor I had to reboot the organ because everything was stuck, and after the reboot the menu was gone...
Ein reboot ist nicht immer gut! :(
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #3
I think this must be one of those cases when you unconsciously click a combination of buttons and a secret thing appears
God mode activated!
I've never seen this before. And I always thought I've already worked myself thoroughly through the entire menu. To my knowledge, also the Physis manual does not mention this type of sub-menu.
I'd be interested to know the secret combination how to trigger this sub-menu...
Das ist das "geheime" Service-Menu. Man erreicht es durch drücken und halten von mehreren Tasten auf dem Physis-Panel.
Hier wurde das schon detaillierter erläutert.
Ich habe es bislang genutzt, um die Helligkeit des Physis-Displays zu reduzieren. Auf der Unico prangt es ja genau im Blickfeld und war mir einfach zu hell...
Außerdem habe ich den Dynamikumfang der Schwellpedale dort ändern können.
Ach je...
Daß ich da nicht auch draufgekommen bin!
Diese Funktion hatte ich ganz am Anfang meines Orgelkaufs genutzt, um die Schwellwirkung der beiden Schwellpedale leiser zu bekommen, als dies bei der Standardeinstellung der Fall ist.
Mir waren diese zu laut...
Viele Grüße
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #9
....I should never drink beer before driving a physis organ
I absolutly recommend whisky instead of beer... very special because its minor urinisation - and this is a major advantage while sitting at the organ...
Zitat von Aeoline im Beitrag #12Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #9
....I should never drink beer before driving a physis organ
I absolutly recommend whisky instead of beer... very special because its minor urinisation - and this is a major advantage while sitting at the organ...
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #14
Aeoline anticipated me!
Maybe you can still help me with the next question ;)
The crescendo shoe of my Sonus sporadically engages the first combination step even at resting position. Do you think this is something that can be solved by modifying some parameters in this special menu or the problem is hardware related?
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