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Physis Plus
Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #252Zitat von SJL im Beitrag #251
Anders ausgedrückt, wer die LiVE in der Demo gehört hat, wird vom Original vermutlich nicht fundamental überrascht werden.
I am sure of it
As a LiVE 3TA owner, I can confirm that the Johannus videos are quite accurate for video sound--the qualities of the sample sets I have do not vary from the qualities in the videos, they're just much better overall. As Ahlborn has noted about the built-in sound system of his Viscount Sonus instruments, I will say that the line-out from the LiVE 3TA gives little sense of the good acoustic effect of its built-in sound system. In fact, the line-out dramatically darkens the sound tamping down frequencies above 3K or 4K.
Nevertheless, the videos Johannus did produce for both the LiVE III, 2T, and 3T models had a large impact on my interest in them--I was considering a Sonus instrument at the time but thought I didn't have enough experience/skill to create any organ style close to what the Johannus had when just turning on the instrument. I think now, working on my technical hearing and understading and getting back to playing a pipe organ every week, I am ready for the "work" required of Physis--the rewards, I'm hoping, will be greater than those provided by the LiVE.
#257 RE: Physis Plus

Zitat von live3TA im Beitrag #256
I will say that the line-out from the LiVE 3TA gives little sense of the good acoustic effect of its built-in sound system. In fact, the line-out dramatically darkens the sound tamping down frequencies above 3K or 4K.
Normally, the line out provides the sound as it is (I see no reason why Johannus should have equalised this output and kill some frequencies). I would rather say that the amplification system of the organ brightens up the sound. Moreover, despite the in-built correction system, the organ will sound differently in every different space (the reflections cannot be controlled by the room correction software). In fact, buying an organ is not different that buying an hi-fi system: in the shop it might sound great, and at home it sucks (rarely viceversa).
For me, the most important test is with the pure sound of the organ, dry from its outputs. If things are good there, they can only get better. I would certainly not trust the response of the instrument in the showroom, for the reason I just mentioned above.
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #255Thanks VERY much!!
In the treasure chest section you will find some additional stops that are very beautiful.
Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #255I wish you a lot of strength in these circumstances. All the necessary and good wishes for you and your family.
unfortunately various (serious) family problems prevent me from actively participating in the discussion.

Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #257Zitat von live3TA im Beitrag #256
I will say that the line-out from the LiVE 3TA gives little sense of the good acoustic effect of its built-in sound system. In fact, the line-out dramatically darkens the sound tamping down frequencies above 3K or 4K.
Normally, the line out provides the sound as it is (I see no reason why Johannus should have equalised this output and kill some frequencies). I would rather say that the amplification system of the organ brightens up the sound. Moreover, despite the in-built correction system, the organ will sound differently in every different space (the reflections cannot be controlled by the room correction software). In fact, buying an organ is not different that buying an hi-fi system: in the shop it might sound great, and at home it sucks (rarely viceversa).
For me, the most important test is with the pure sound of the organ, dry from its outputs. If things are good there, they can only get better. I would certainly not trust the response of the instrument in the showroom, for the reason I just mentioned above.
Ich nutze meine LiVE ja nahezu ausschließlich im Kopfhörerbetrieb (bitte keine Belehrungen, dass das nicht gesund sei; es gibt gute Gründe dafür, die ich hier nicht zur Diskussion stellen will). Das Signal nehme ich am Line-Out über den Umweg eines kleinen Kopfhörerverstärkers mit einem rudimentären Equalizer (hoch - mittel - tief, kein High-End, aber es funktioniert gut). Hierbei regele ich die Höhen sogar eher etwas herunter, da mir persönlich die Neutralstellung tendenziell zu scharf ist. Ausnahme: Set "Sauer/Leipzig", die ist per se sehr mild. Daher glaube ich nicht an die Hypothese, dass die LiVE im Line-Out zu dumpf eingestellt sei. Ich glaube eher, das ist recht neutral.
#260 RE: Physis Plus

Ja, in der Tat, mein aktueller Kopfhörer muss im Bass-Bereich spürbar abgeregelt werden, denn die Neutralstellung ist vom Bass-Pegel fast nicht zu ertragen, insbesondere bei Sauer/Leipzig ist der Sound einfach zu "fett". Aber wenn ich den Bass reduziere, klingt es so, wie es nach meinem Geschmack sein soll. Umgekehrt kann ich den Klang von Silbermann/Dresden (welcher mir eigentlich etwas zu "wässrig" ist) etwas mehr Körper geben. So habe ich für alle Sample-Sets meine EQ-Einstellung, die ich in 10 Sekunden verändert habe. Die Lösung ist günstig und wirkungsvoll.
I had been thinking about a headphone amp/equalizer for a bit, so thanks for the output "input"
While I have seen the list of desired Physis 2.0 features on the forum, I have some questions regarding trying out the new Physis+ in person.
It seems the time allowed on a Physis+ instrument would dictate what should be tried and listened to. Given the thousands of Euros, pounds, and dollars to be spent, what features would you try out if you only had:
1/2 hour:
1 1/2 hours:
3 hours
#264 RE: Physis Plus
Das Handbuch zu den Physis Plus-Orgeln ist nun verfügbar.
Viele Grüße
#265 RE: Physis Plus

#266 RE: Physis Plus

Die dreimanualigen Optimus+ sind jetzt offiziell da:
#267 Orgelzentrum Vox Coelestis
Schon gesehen? Vox Coelestis hat seine Homepage umgestaltet und präsentiert nun auch die Viscount-Physis-Plus-Instrumente.

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