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Physis Plus

#272 RE: Orgelzentrum Vox Coelestis
I know that an Ahlborn office is still open in Italy, and very few Ahlborn organs are still sold in Czechoslovakia by a small company called Kapa audio.
Their technology stopped at the latest DRAKE implementation developed in Italy about 20 years ago, and apart from that, I believe there is no real software support, because all the engineers who worked on that technology were incorporated by Viscount when Generalmusic failed.
So probably the PCBs and the cabinet is be built by some small local company in San Marino.
When I contacted them out of curiosity about their business, they were very vague (knowing I was Italian). They confirmed to me that they still build the entire Praeludium and Organum line, but their business is mainly concentrated in Czechoslovakia.
This pic is 08.2022
#273 RE: Orgelzentrum Vox Coelestis
Wie ist das überhaupt mit den anderen Hersteller, bieten oder entwickeln die auch Hardware zur Klangerzeugung? Meist ließt man ja, dass die Technik von Viscount drinnen steckt und der andere Hersteller dann nur das drum herum selber baut. Also solche Dinge wie Schalter, manuelle und so weiter. Ich vermute auch, dass jeder eigene Parameter in der Klangerzeugung nutzt. Aber gibt es neben denen die Viscount nutzen noch weitere Systeme für relevant wären?

Mit anderen Worten: worin unterscheiden sich die verschiedenen DO-Hersteller? Schalter, Manuale, ggf. weitere Anbauteile werden wahrscheinlich bei üblichen Lieferanten der Branche gekauft (z.B. Fatar). Das Alleinstellungsmerkmal scheint sich also auf die Klangerzeugung und deren nachträgliche Modellierung/Intonation zu konzentrieren.
Welche Hersteller gibt es, in welchen Orgeln ist welche von deren Technik im Einsatz?
Vergleichsbeispiel Hochdachkombi PSA: Combo, Berlingo, Rifter basieren auf der gleichen Plattform, sehen nur außen etwas anders aus, andere Federung, Innenausstattung etc.
Ich hoffe, ich habe das richtig zusammengefasst.
Zitat von Subbass im Beitrag #274
Ich verstehe die Frage leider weder inhaltlich noch sprachlich…
I didn't understand if it was referring to me..
it was just to say that Ahlborn company is not "technically" completely bankrupt yet, and continues its activity in a completely reduced form and almost anonymously..

Ich bin fassungslos!!!
Diese Werbung ist schier unglaublich, da klingt ja mein CM-100 tausenmal besser . . .
Man beachte auch die einschlägigen Kommentare . . .
Mit traurigem Gruß
#281 RE: Physis Plus

#283 RE: Physis Plus

The Domus recording of Larriu's Toccata is fairly bad BUT it sounds less terrible through headphones. I was surprised to even find bits of interesting sound from the left hand chords and pedal between measures 9 and 14
I again come back to the idea that if there's any particular intention with the audio/video demos of PhysisPlus, it is to present the less expensive lines (Domus for now) as sounding "cheap"--Larriu's Toccata is another piece of evidence for my argument.
When playing an organ, one of the biggest factors affecting the sound is the room. As others have noted about the reverb (which is the virtual room here), it may well be the weakest aspect of the demos up to this point.
I am grateful to each and every forum member who has provided examples of appealing and compelling sound from Physis--I trust you to provide the truth of what Physis can sound like (Viscount, not so much=).
PS I didn't look at the composer's name or work's title when I first played the video--for a moment I thought someone was playing an inverted Lemmens' Fanfare
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