Physis Release 1.14.18

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25.06.2021 22:43
#31 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18


Thank you very much for your detailed answer!

Best regards

PLZ (erste zwei Ziffern): 69


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25.06.2021 22:47
#32 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18


spannend, spannend...
Mal sehen, was da bei mir rauskommt...

PLZ (erste zwei Ziffern): 69


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26.06.2021 07:50
#33 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Zitat von PM im Beitrag #29
@ gemshorn, may be the E=paper solution of the LiveIII will be very expensive. For me a hymmersive-like solution suffices - but of course this is very personal.

If e-paper is too expensive, a quite normal LCD-display will do the job, too? The Hymmersive provided a very futuristic look with its dark background and red (white?) stop names on it; I did not really like it - but as you said: this is very personal.

What I could imagine is a e-paper row above the stoptabs - similar to the additional dispositions in the Gloria Nobilis organ series, but of course digital and display-based. Not single OLED displays but one common e-paper display per division; maybe this would lower the price?

Auf Orgelsuche.


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26.06.2021 09:59
#34 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Updating ist immer wieder interessant - ich erinnere mich von einem zum anderen Mal nicht, wie ich vorzugehen habe.
Laut Anleitung muss die *.phy-Datei im Hauptverzeichnis des USB-Speichermediums gespeichert werden. Allerdings hatte ich in Erinnerung, dass der USB-Stick bei ausgeschalteter Orgel einzustecken und erst hernach die Orgel einzuschalten sei.

Klappte diesmal nicht. Stattdessen suchte ich im Orgelmenü den Punkt O.S.Upgrade auf - und fand dort eine "Validierungsfunktion" vor, welche die Update-Datei am Stick "untersuchte"; der eigentliche Updateprozess war nach erfolgreicher Validierung dann direkt aus diesem Menü heraus zu starten...

Ist das neu?

Auf Orgelsuche.


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26.06.2021 10:03
avatar  PM
#35 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

@gemshorn, an E-row above the stoptabs would be nice but maybe expensive as well.
After all we have to wait, wait, wait... I'm VERY curious what solutions Viscount will offer.

The E-paper models of Noorlander and Mixtuur are too expensive, compared with their 'touch screen' models. Even their 'normal' models are rather overpriced, I think.

Well, we are rather off-topic, sorry for that.

„Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik, auf ihm ruht und fuszt jeder wahre Fortschritt“  - Max Reger


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26.06.2021 10:24
avatar  ahlborn
#36 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Zitat von Gemshorn im Beitrag #34

Klappte diesmal nicht. Stattdessen suchte ich im Orgelmenü den Punkt O.S.Upgrade auf - und fand dort eine "Validierungsfunktion" vor, welche die Update-Datei am Stick "untersuchte"; der eigentliche Updateprozess war nach erfolgreicher Validierung dann direkt aus diesem Menü heraus zu starten...

Ist das neu?

This is the correct procedure!
You need to enter the menu and access the OS upgrade function!


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26.06.2021 10:28
#37 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Thank you, ahlborn.

I feel a bit nervous because the update process stucks since several minutes at 15 % ...

Auf Orgelsuche.


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26.06.2021 10:37
avatar  ahlborn
#38 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Update process takes about 30 minutes, it is important not to turn off the organ at this time.
It may take a little longer if you are upgrading from a very old version..


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26.06.2021 10:39
#39 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Ok, I will wait patiently. I am upgrading from 1.14.14...

(still trembling)

Auf Orgelsuche.


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26.06.2021 10:46
avatar  ahlborn
#40 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Ok, keep us updated.
If after an hour it is still stuck at 15%, I would try to switch the organ off and on again, and start a new update procedure.


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26.06.2021 11:12
#41 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Still at 15 %.
And it is about 1 hour now... I think I will restart.
If it is damaged, I will cry.

Auf Orgelsuche.


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26.06.2021 11:16
#42 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Interesting: This time the organ booted directly into the validation process...
Feels like installing Windows 95 over a damaged preinstallation.

Auf Orgelsuche.


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26.06.2021 11:27
avatar  ahlborn
#43 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Generally the software has a recovery or restoration system (invisible) that avoids data corruption during the update process, so it is unlikely that the organ will be damaged.
Of course, it is always better not to turn off the organ during the updating process, but in some cases (freezed organ) it is necessary


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26.06.2021 11:29
#44 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Seems to work properly now... at least the system messages change and I feel the process is ongoing.
Thank you for your caring assistance, ahlborn. Appreciated!

Auf Orgelsuche.


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26.06.2021 11:31
avatar  ahlborn
#45 RE: RE:Physis Release 1.14.18

Ok! Happy to ear this!
If the update keeps crashing, I would try to use another usb pen, formatted fat32, with no other data present (only a .phy file).


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