Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

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02.11.2022 06:40
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#46 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von SJL im Beitrag #40
Suchen wir jetzt eigentlich die Orgel mit dem schönsten Tutti?

The devil’s advocate. Although I always thought the devil could afford better ones…


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02.11.2022 07:47
avatar  SJL
#47 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

Sprich Klartext, wenn du meinst, mir was mitteilen zu müssen!

Es war eine einfache Frage. Kein Grund für Sarkasmus.


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02.11.2022 10:34
avatar  ahlborn
#48 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #36
Zitat von Ippenstein im Beitrag #35
@DigitalPipes I will cut it.

Anbei nun als angehängte ZIP, da das System eine reine Midifile nicht mag...

ABER... ich habe in die Midi-Datei reingehört. Sie klingt sehr statisch. Deshalb habe ich mich kurz hingesetzt und den Schlußsatz vom Postludio festivo (Karg-Elert) schnell eingespielt. Das ist bei weitem lebendiger und eventuell auch besser für den Vergleich. Hört mal bitte rein.
Bei mir liegt das Pedal auf Kanal 4, das Hauptwerk auf Kanal 2. Jeder muß bei sich dann die Kanäle selbst einstellen.

Thanks very much! The Postludio Festivo sounds very good! Ok, I opened the midi file with Logic and I got a very funny istrumentation

So I suppose that our contestants can use it to make the recording!

Now let's choose the type of instrument/voicing we would use. From what I have seen so far about the instruments we could use for the recording, it seems that we can settle on a three manual instrument, and since Johannus Live is involved too, and specific organs are sampled for it, I guess a french romantic could be the general orientation. Can all the participants confirm the availability of such voicing? Am not sure about the prestige and the benedikt though, but if they have a sort of eclectic voicing, that would work too.

Curiously, I had registered K.Elert's Nun Danket a few years ago for a similar test (at the time I think it was Physis vs. Organteq).
I had used an American style (not Skinner, but something with Skinner should also be recorded in my soundcloud profile).
Unfortunately the recording quality is bad, and some tracks more than others (soundclod compresses, and often the compression is different for each track).

If you want an "Italian eclettic" (like Tamburini/Mascioni 50's organs), I had programmed a style that I still use with satisfaction when I play Italian authors, here it is.


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02.11.2022 11:13
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#49 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Oh, I know your files very well! Found them in The Organ Forum and were the final important element that made me decide for Viscount! And, btw, you also play very well!

I remember also a beautiful french romantic voicing, can we use that one, so to align with the Johannus Live of Paris?


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02.11.2022 11:30 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.11.2022 11:32)
avatar  ahlborn
#50 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #49
Oh, I know your files very well! Found them in The Organ Forum and were the final important element that made me decide for Viscount!

So I'm getting famous!
They were recordings made at a time when someone (from the other forum) insisted that Physis sounded electronic, but all in all, an old American 8bit organ still sounded nice.

Zitat von DigitalPipes im Beitrag #49

I remember also a beautiful french romantic voicing, can we use that one, so to align with the Johannus Live of Paris?

It is probably this intonation.
Please note that this is not a copy of a specific Cavaille Coll, but rather a style "inspired" from Cavaille Coll. If that's okay, I can certainly use it.


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02.11.2022 11:35
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#51 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von ahlborn im Beitrag #50

It is probably this intonation.
Please note that this is not a copy of a specific Cavaille Coll, but rather a style "inspired" from Cavaille Coll. If that's okay, I can certainly use it.

YES!!! Mindblowing pedal reed! So lively! Let's use this one!

So finally it's your fault if I spent all my money and now I do not have even 700 euros for a music stand lamp!


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02.11.2022 19:31 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.11.2022 19:32)
#52 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

Ich weiß nicht warum, aber bei der Aufzeichnung wurden die Pedalnoten um eine Oktave zu tief gesetzt. Hier ist eine Version mit transponiertem Pedal.


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02.11.2022 20:22
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#53 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von Ippenstein im Beitrag #52
Ich weiß nicht warum, aber bei der Aufzeichnung wurden die Pedalnoten um eine Oktave zu tief gesetzt. Hier ist eine Version mit transponiertem Pedal.

Thanks very much for the amended file and thanks also for the recording that you have provided!

For his recording, our fellow forumer has used the stop combination he indicated in a previous thread no. 45, so can the other participants kind of stick to that sort of sound combo? I am looking forward to receive your recordings!


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03.11.2022 12:14
avatar  ahlborn
#54 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

But should we start recording?
I think I don't understand which are the official songs (Nun Danket and Preludio Festivo, both?), And what are the official stops to use (at least for Nun Danket; for the Festive Prelude he indicated the recording Ippenstein).

Anyone with Allen and Rodgers who can participate?


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03.11.2022 12:21
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#55 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Only the preludio festivo, with something that resembles the list of stops provided by Ippenstein


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03.11.2022 16:27 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 03.11.2022 17:45)
avatar  ahlborn
#56 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!


There is a problem: my organ accepts channeled midi files like this:

Pedal ch1
Choir ch4
Great ch2
Swell ch3

(if only two tracks are used -Great and Pedal-, I would need: Great ch2; Pedal ch1)

Unfortunately I cannot use an external sequencer to play the file, and I would need the file already prepared to be loaded on the organ sequencer.

I kindly ask Ippenstein if he can modify the file with the indicated channels. I don't currently have a midi software editor.

Thank you very much!


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03.11.2022 18:30
#57 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

Hello Ahlborn,

please try this.

Best regards


  • Postludio_festivo_kurz

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03.11.2022 21:22
avatar  live3TA
#58 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

Paulo--the links to the LiVE3TA recordings have been sent in a PM to you.


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04.11.2022 14:52
avatar  DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )
#59 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!
DigitalPipes ( gelöscht )

Zitat von live3TA im Beitrag #58
Paulo--the links to the LiVE3TA recordings have been sent in a PM to you.

Thanks very much! The files have been well received!


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04.11.2022 16:52
avatar  ahlborn
#60 RE: Digital Organ Technologies - The Ultimate Match!

Thanks Ippenstein for kindly sending the file! Now it's fine and I play it smoothly.

I sent a Paolo two files:
the first file contains almost the same stops used by Ippenstein (only differences: Montre 16 instead of Bourdon 16, Larigot not present, Bombarde 16 instead of Posaune 16).

The second file has these stops: Montre 8/Prestant 4 in both manuals, Trompette 8, Trompette harm.8, Hautbois 8, Bombarde 16 in the manuals.
Ped, Fonds 16 and Bombarde 16, Trompette 8, and Contrabombarde 32 (final bars).

The second file has no test value, it's just my curiosity to understand how it sounds.


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